Sho knows...

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After explaining the tragic story about the bloody flowers to his friend, Budo sighed. He didn't think Sho was going to believe him, as his eyes were wide with disbelief. "N-no way!" Sho stated and scrambled up off the floor. He ran to the bookshelf at the back of his room and frantically searched through it. Budo watched him like he went mad, but he kept quiet. The brown haired boy threw books all over the floor and his bed. A few minutes later the martial arts master finally burst the silence. "Sho? What are you doing?" He asked him sternly. Sho didn't stop his hectic search until he threw every single book of the shelves. And then got the book he was looking for. "Ah, finally!" He said and walked back to Budo with a very big book in his hands. "Okay, what's going on? Are you crazy or something?!" The black haired boy asked. Sho still didn't reply. He opened the book and checked the contents on the first page. Then he rapidly flipped through pages and pages until he stopped at one and stared at it for a while.

"Hanahaki disease," Sho finally said, which made no sense. "Uh.... what?" Budo asked. "It's called hanahaki disease," he repeated. "The sickness you have right now," he finished. Budo's dark grey eyes widened. "What do you mean?" He questioned. "See, it's a sickness that makes you cough up blood and flowers," Sho started to explain. "I didn't know it was a real thing though," Sho murmured. "W-what?" Budo asked again as he was confused. "It's a fictional disease, well, used to, but I guess it's real now," Sho told him. Budo didn't know what to say."And... what will this do to me? The black haired boy asked Sho."Firstly, you will cough and vomit flowers and blood, then it will get worse every day. Then eventually, the flowers will block your lungs and you won't be able to breath, so you'll..... die," Shi said and winced at the word die. Budo laughed a bit. "Wait, so you're saying that a bunch of flowers will kill me?" He said. Sho looked away and reluctantly nodded. Budo's expression changed. "But there's ways to cure this, right?" He asked hopefully. Sho looked like he was thinking about it, and then he rushed to his computer. "I don't know for sure but...." Sho started. "The internet would," Sho finished and typed his question into the search box.

Hanahaki disease

Results came up almost immediately. The apprentice martial artist read through the information and his eyes widened. Budo peered over Sho's shoulder and looked at what he was looking at. Sho was right. The internet had all the answers. It said that Hanahaki disease was a fictional disease that was caused by one-sided love, or unrequited love, when you love someone but they don't like you back. Which causes the victim to cough up flowers and blood and suffocate to death. Budo felt his heart stop beating for a few seconds, as he thought about what it said. 'One-sided love, unrequited love...' he thought. 'Ayano....' he thought and felt he was on the brim of tears. "Budo..." Sho started, and turned to look into his eyes. Sho's eyes were soft and sympathetic, a caring look in his brown eyes. A few seconds later he broke the silence.

"Who did you fall for?" he asked softly. Budo didn't want to answer. He knew Sho would make fun of him, because he always did when he blushed in front of Ayano like a hundred thousand times. But something told him that he wasn't going to this time. It might have been the way Sho stared at him with caring eyes, or that he was his best friend, but in the end he told him. It was reluctant, but he managed to spit out the name of his lover. "A-Ayano..." he whispered. Sho's eyes widened. He was half happy and half worried for a second, but the happiness faded as soon as it came. He was happy for a second, because he had always had a hunch that Budo had liked Ayano, and know he knew he was right. But of course the worry had filled him.

"Do you think there's a way to cure it?" Budo asked his friend. Sho bit his bottom lip. "Just a sec," Sho said and started typing again. As the results came up, Sho's eyes widened with happiness, his worry flowing away. But when he read them, his worry came back, doubling too.

"Um, well the first way is the easiest way," Sho started. "What is it?" Budo asked, leaning in to find the answer. "Well.... you can get it surgically removed..." he answered. "But of course, there's a price," the martial arts student said. "Is it money?" the martial arts master questioned. "Well, of course you need money, but there's a bigger price," he stated. "If The patient, in this case, you, choose to get it surgically removed, then the patient will lose their ability to feel emotion for the person the had unrequited feelings for," he said, reading off of the screen.

"The second way, is the hard way," Sho told him. "If the patient manages get the person they had one-sided feelings for to love them back, then their curse will leave them," he managed to say. "And there's the other problem, the flowers and blood will only double in amount every time, so you only have a short amount of time before you...." he trailed off.  "You.... d-die..." Sho sputtered out, still unable to believe what was going on in his life.

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