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Budo walked into the school talking with his best friend Sho. His eyes darted towards a familiar girl with black hair. His heart started beating faster, and he felt like it was gonna jump out of his chest. The raven-haired girl looked around and then walked on, but she didn't see Budo and Sho. Sho then noticed that Budo's attention drifted away, and he tried to snap him out of his daydream. "Earth to Budo, I repeat, earth to Budo, you there?" Sho mocked. Budo laughed, and then answered," yes, I am." "What were you daydreaming about?" the dark brown-haired boy  asked. Budo lightly laughed again, lovingly sighed, and then smiled to himself. "Hey Budo, I asked you a question!" Sho repeated, this time more of an order. "Oh sorry, I was just...." he couldn't tell him the real reason he was dreaming, he would DEFINATELY make fun of him. So he just said that he was thinking of homework. "Okay, great lie, NO one, would smile because of homework," Sho argued. "Heh heh, I guess, but...." Budo didn't finish. 'Sho cant know that I like her!' he thought.

The bell rang, and saved Budo from answering Sho's question. "Bye Sho!" he ran off quickly. "Wait, you didn't answer my question!" Sho shouted but Budo pretended he couldn't hear him. He entered his classroom and sat down in his seat. All throughout class he was worrying that Should would find out. If he knew Who, one thing about him is that he never gives up. 'It's gonna be hard escaping from Sho's suspicions,' he thought.

(Time skip!)

Budo walked out of the classroom and headed towards the cafeteria. "Hey Budo!" he heard Sho shout. Budo turned around and saw him, the dark-brown haired boy running full speed towards him. Budo started running away from him. He climbed up the stairs and ran to the rooftop. He waited a while to see if Sho gave up or not. Budo then saw him again, and he started running around the roof of the school. After a few rounds around the roof, Budo ran down the stairs again and tried to find somewhere to hide. Sho was right behind him now, and he was getting tired of running. He rounded a corner of the stairs, and lost  his balance, sending him tumbling down and crashing into someone. "Ow sorry," Budo apologized. He looked to who it was. He felt like his heart stop beating for a second again. It was Ayano, she was underneath him. She quickly pushed him off with ease, got up and dusted herself off. She then walked off without even saying anything to him. Budo just stared at her with a dark blush on his face. He slowly got up and kept on staring at her.

He heard Sho giggle slightly in the background. "I got my answer, bye!" he said and ran off. "Sho wait!" Budo screamed. But Sho was already out of sight. The bell rang again, this time saving Sho. Budo grumbled, and walked to his classroom and sat down. The sensei started her teaching as usual, and everyone followed her instructions. A few minutes later, a student came into the class and talked to the teacher about something. Then sensei turned to face us and told us," I have to go to do something important, I'll be back in a few minutes, so everyone read page 115 until I come back." As soon as she left the classroom, everyone started talking. Only a few people were reading the page that sensei assigned for us to read. The others were taking their opportunity to talk. Budo couldn't help but overhear some people's conversations.

"Did you hear about Amai going missing?" A feminine voice asked. 'Amai's gone missing?! What happened?' Budo thought. "Yeah, I heard that she was talking to Saki last," a male voice said. "Maybe she was the one behind her disappearance," a different female voice suggested. "Maybe," some others agreed. "But did you guys know that Amai was going to confess her love to Taro on Friday?" another voice asked. A series of 'what?'s and 'no way!'s went around. 'Taro?!' A load of girls were crazy over him and I guess that Amai was one of them."What an idiot, she believes in the cherry tree myth?!" A female voice unbelievably asked. "I wouldn't say it's a total myth, most people who confessed on Friday at 6:00 pm were accepted by their lover," a male voice argued. That's interesting," Budo thought.  "Well, she won't be accepted now, that she's gone," a voice said and a few giggles went around. Just then sensei walked into the classroom again and started the lesson. 'Maybe if I confess to Ayano under the cherry tree, she will love me back," Budo thought. He pondered on that thought for a few minutes and then decided. 'I'm going to confess to her on Friday," he concluded.

After class, Budo went to the martial arts club like usual. Sho and Mina were sitting down, and Shima and Juku were sparring on the mat. Ayano arrived last. Juku defeated Shima this time and then Mina and Sho got up to spar. But all the time Budo was wondering about Ayano and the cherry tree myth. 'Will she accept my love?' he questioned himself many times.

(Time skip)

Sho and Budo walked home together. "So, Budo?" Sho started. Budo looked towards him and smiled. "What is it?" he asked. "You like Ayano-chan don't ya!" Sho said. Budo blushed and shook his head vigorously. "I don't like her, Sho, she's just a friend" he answered. Sho just smirked and said nothing. "But then why did you blush when you bumped into her today?" Sho queried. "Well... wouldn't you be flustered if you bumped into a girl and fell on her?" Budo made up an excuse. Sho thought about what he said. He did have a point. "But the way you stared at her, it was as if you had a huge crush on her!" Sho argued. "No stare can compare to the way you stare at Mina," Budo said, changing the subject. "Now that, is a ridiculous stare, like your looking at some magnificent scenery or something," Budo continued making Sho blush."I-I...." Sho didn't finish. It was no use to trying to persuade Budo that he didn't like Mina. Or persuading him that he has a crush on Ayano. Budo would change the subject."Well, at least it's Thursday, only two more days until Saturday again," Sho said. Budo's eyes widened in shock. "What! Today's Thursday already?!" He asked. Sho turned to face him with a confused expression. "Why are you so shocked about that?" Sho questioned. Budo said," i-it's nothing! I was just... curious," he lied. Sho didn't look like he believed him. The brown haired boy decided to give another go at persuading him. "I know you like her, Budo,"Sho said. Budo's face went Rosy pink, and he turned his head so that Should couldn't see him flustered. Then he spotted his way to escape from embarrassment. "Oh look it's my house! I gotta go now! Bye!!!" Budo shouted and ran to his house. He was glad that he could make up an excuse, and that he could escape Sho's evil clutches. 'Tomorrow's Friday.' he thought as he ran. 'Am I going to confess to her tomorrow?' he asked himself. 'Will she accept me?' he asked for like the fiftieth time. Budo inhaled deeply and then exhaled. I've gotta at least try.' he thought. Budo had made a decision, and as his father always said, that if you made a decision, you have to stick to it. So he decided to follow his dad's words, that he would confess to Ayano on Friday. But the pessimistic thoughts that she wouldn't like him back wouldn't leave his head.

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