Introducing the Wizard

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WARNING: Usage of AUs! Characters may be OOC! This is my first story so bear with me. ^_^ Also don't expect me to do accents 'cuz that's just not happening. I may use some different terms though. If you want a certain pairing, leave a comment and I'll see what I can do. And I don't care if it's yaoi or yuri either.

Third POV:

It was a cold, dark night. The only source of light were the slivers of moonlight peeking through the thick clouds hanging in the sky. Suddenly, a figure was streaking through the night. The figure passed quickly through one of the tiny slivers of moonlight. The only features made out were a mop of untidy, jet black hair, and emerald green eyes, dulled slightly by circular framed glasses.

Harry's POV:

Running through an unfamiliar forest in the dark is dangerous and stupid. Good thing I've been doing dangerous and stupid things my whole life. The only things I had with me were my wand and the clothes I was wearing. But I won't go back there, I refuse to go back there!

Suddenly, everything started to get cold, like all the happiness was being sucked out of me.

'Crap! Dementors! I didn't think they would find out so fast!'

I quietly whispered the incantation 'expecto patronum'. That should hold them off for awhile.

As quietly as I could, I started sprinting in the opposite direction my patronus went.

I could barely see in the darkness, but I knew I had to keep moving.

Suddenly my foot caught on something. I flailed my arms around trying to grab something, but all I caught was empty air. I thrust out my arms in front of me to try and break my fall, when all of a sudden I felt a tug on my gut and my vision blurred.

'A portkey? How did it get here?!' Was all I could think before I blacked out.

A/N: Yay! Another update! Sorry it took forever. I'll try to update faster, but 1. I'm lazy 2. I like to procrastinate and 3. I lose inspiration quickly. Well, see you at the next update! Peace out!

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