Introducing the King of Games

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WARNING: Usage of AUs! Characters may be OOC! This is my first story so bear with me. ^_^ Also don't expect me to do accents 'cuz that's just not happening. I may use some different terms though. If you want a certain pairing, leave a comment and I'll see what I can do. And I don't care if it's yaoi or yuri either.

Yugi's POV:

'I'm weak. I've been sitting here for hours just crying like a baby. I don't want to be here anymore, but there's nowhere I can go. I can't believe they did that, I bet they're laughing at me right now.'

"Oh Yugi! Come out come out wherever you are!"

'Oh great, bullies, just what I need right now.' I pick up a small backpack as silently as I can and start sprinting deeper into the forest.

I can hear them following me, and when I was sure I was ahead I stopped to catch my breath. All of a sudden I was slammed against a tree.
Looking up I saw Ushio staring at me with a mad glint in his eyes.

I really didn't want to deal with this right now, so I just squirmed as much as I could to get away. It didn't seem to be working, so I started kicking randomly. I wasn't prepared to be dropped so suddenly, but I recovered quickly. While making sure no one was following me, I didn't notice the black portal pop up right in front of me. I ran straight through it before I could stop myself. As I closed my eyes my only thought was, 'I hope this doesn't lead to the Shadow Realm.'

A/N: Well these past few chapters sucked especially this one.
And this also ends the prologues! Hooray! But it's also bad because I have absolutely nothing planned after this... Eh heh heh... Um... I'm gonna go now.

Oh yeah! Before I leave you for an indefinite amount of time I want to know who you want Daisuke to bond with ('cuz the cut hand and all) or I can make it a relationship I don't care. Just leave a comment on who you want him to bond with and if you want it to be a relationship or not. Now I leave for an indefinite amount of time. BYE BYE!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2015 ⏰

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