Zeina Auder

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  Name:Zeina (Sigla) Auder




Family:Adopted by Layla Auder (Adopted Mother)

Personality:Laid back, Lazy but Competitive, Teasy, Sarcastic, and funny

Secret:Will be found out as we go along

Crush:You guys choose



Story:Zeina was sent to the Orphanage when she was 3 years old because her parents were alcoholics and would leave her to starve for days or even months until the police took her to the Orphanage and even then she was treated like shit until Layla Auder took her under her wing and became the mother she has never had at the age of 6.Later on, on the first day of Elemantary School she met Yui Humira and Ella Chant and became the best of friends since then because all of them shared something in common... They all had a dark past behind closed doors.

There you have it the history of Zeina (Sigla) Auder! -Golden  

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