Chapter Four- Exit Priest, Sir Asshat

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As Fafnir attacked each clone, I dodged an uppercut from a steel plated fist, rolled away from a rib-shattering kick, and protected Fafnir's back as I fought off the horde of enemy soldiers. I began to formulate a spell that, in theory, would block or counteract whatever spell The Priest would try to use against us. The wording was vague, which meant two things. It covered a wide variety of blocking and countering spells, but in very weak portions. So if The Priest decided to go all out from the start...well, I'd rather not think what might happen. But as I went to vocalize to spell, Fafnir's paw ricocheted off a barrier around one of the clones. Turns out it was the real thing.

"Well, well. Took you long enough to find me. I'd thought, what with that smell of yours, you'd find me right away." At this, he smirks. "Unless something happened to it. What a shame that would be."

Behind me, Fafnir growled, a low, rumbling sound that I felt through the soles of my feet.

"He doesn't know anything for sure, Fafnir. Don't give anything away." I whisper as I backed up against him, turning to face the real Priest.

"I hope you're not looking for your friend, Alex. What was his name again?" He pauses as he turns slowly, waving his hand in a small circle as if deep in thought. "Ah yes. Nate, was it?" He asks with a smirk, holding his hand up and making his men stand down.

"What have you done with Nate?" I glare at him.

"What, no cursing me out like last time? Every time we meet you get more and more vapid."

"He calls you boring? Some days I wish." Fafnir huffs behind me, earning him a sharp jab from my elbow.

"Your dragon there, however, seems to have the sass I enjoy." He nods towards Fafnir and I instinctively step between them.

"My dragon," I say scathingly, "has a name. It's-" my sentence is cut short as Fafnir loosens a roar behind me, making a few soldiers flinch, much to his satisfaction, judging by the emotion through our link.

"My name is Fafnir Shadowstorm! Destroyer of foolish mages like you." He bellows at the Priest.

"Yes, yes." He responds, sounding bored. "I'm sure you are. But that's not what you're here for, is it? You're looking for your little rider's little friend, and I don't mean the one attached to him."

"That was literally below the belt, Asshat." I growl, every bit as intimidating as Fafnir in my own right. He just snickers as he turns as if to leave.

"I'll see you guys soon enough, I suppose. Until then!" He laughs and, with a swish of his hand, his whole troupe disappears along with him.

"God dammit!" I shout as I stomp the ground, letting my anger out for a second.

"I really hate that mage."

"So do I, buddy. So do I."

A/N: I'm really sorry I haven't been getting back to you guys the last week or so, I've just been super busy. Thanks so much for bearing with me this long, love y'all and, as always, stay happy and FURRY ON!!

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