Chapter Seven- We find a totally ordinary wolf

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After story time with Master, Fafnir and I decided to scope around The Woods to see if we could find anything out of the ordinary, hopefully without being shot down by Kajeel's men.

"Do you think we'll find anything new there?" I asked, voicing my thoughts to Fafnir.

"You never know, Alex. We may find nothing, but we may also find something that changes the world. You just never know." was his reply, which got me thinking.

"Are there any other races living on Eldara besides elves, humans and their variants, dragons, and orcs that you know of?"

"The only other one I can think of at the moment is just a legend, and those are shifters."

"Shifters? I asked with a raised eyebrow, "I've never heard of those."

"I believe I've only come across them once or twice in legends or in rumors that ended up with a witch's familiar being confused for a shifter."

As he finished saying that, I looked below us to scout for any danger only to see a large shape disappear into The Woods a ways up ahead.

"Did you see that?" I exclaimed, tapping on Fafnir's shoulder.

"Yes, I did. Do you think that could be the beast Kajeel spoke of last time?"

"It's always possible, especially with our luck." I replied, laughing sarcastically.

As Fafnir angled downwards towards the forest, my mind raced with a thousand possibilities. There are many creatures that stalk in the shadows, and few I'd like to meet. I thought back to shifters, then immediately discounted it, furthering my thoughts to a witch's familiar. I hadn't met very many, besides Nate's husky Akira, and he has a slightly abrasive attitude that takes time to get used to, and the lynx of a rather corpulent witch I had encountered while scouting for orcs, who seemed to be a bit of a hedonist. I hoped this one wasn't the same if it was, in fact, a familiar.

We landed just in time to see the shape dart further back into the woods, but my spellwork was quicker

"Mittent rete!" I shouted, throwing an invisible net over the creature. Fafnir and I rushed over to where the lump lay, growling but still under the net.

"Alex, it's a...wolf." Fafnir said the last word flatly, as if it were a letdown. He was correct, and as I looked closely at it, I noticed he, for there was the distinction that it was a male, had lavender paws and moon on his right eye.

"Not just any wolf," he growled, surprising us by talking and making me lose concentration on keeping the net, then proceeded to change into a lithe young man about half a foot shorter than my six. He had snow white hair with lavender streaks in it, and had a light brown complexion. "My name is Collin. Collin Nightwolf." the shifter finished, holding a hand out in greeting, his ice blue eyes locking onto mine.

"Holy shit." I breathed out softly.

"Holy shit indeed."

A/N: I'm really sorry for the late update, I haven't had access to a computer for a while, other than school(but wattpad's blocked there so...). I hope you really enjoyed, and chapter eight should be up in less than a week, so stay tuned xD That's about it so, as always, stay happy and FURRY ON!!!

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