Chapter Nine- The trees talk back

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"So do you all live together in a pack of some sort, or are you solitary beings?" I asked, eager to learn about his race.

"We live as normal humans, but we stay as connected as possible. We never know if we'll have to band together to escape or fight." He responded simply, shrugging as he shifted back to his white wolf form. "Follow me, I'll introduce you to another that lives around here." his voice almost a purr as a wolf.

"Into the forest?" Fafnir growled, sounding like he'd rather go anywhere else.

"It's called Loquens Arbores Silvæ, and I suggest you learn it rather quickly" Collin huffed annoyed, "The trees hate to be misnamed."

"The trees hate..." I trailed off, trying to process what he was saying.

"The name means The Forest of Speaking Trees, and it's aptly called so."

"Surely you don't mean the trees can actually talk, do you?" Fafnir asked in awe, and I sharing the same feeling.

"I do mean that, only you have to listen very carefully and learn their language. It's smooth and flowy," he was describing the language in a sense of wonder, like he's heard them speak before and he still didn't believe it, "like the branches on the trees themselves. Their words rise and fall and they never seem to say the same thing twice. It's more beautiful than the songbirds singing, or the river trickling through the rocks." He sighed and shook his head smiling, "It's the purest sounds I've ever heard, and I only had the pleasure to hear them once. They said something like Gheobhaidh tu an Whisperer agus luaidhear anseo e chun labhairt linn. I have no idea what it meant, but it sounded like they were singing to me."

My eyes widened as I understood what he said, and the surprise snapped between my link with Fafnir. "I know what they said." I breathed, not believing that I actually understood the words.

He looked back at me with his head tilted, then quickly shifted back to human form and stood face to face with me, his ice blue eyes locked onto my emerald ones. "Impossible" he nearly hissed the words, although not at all sounding angry, "No one's ever known the trees' language."


"Never." he nodded. "If you know what they said, what pray tell was it?"

I shivered and closed my eyes, remembering the words flowing across my eyes. "They said 'You will find the Whisperer, and lead him here to talk for us.'"

Quick A/N, I'm suuuuuuuper sorry for such a long delay, I got sick with strep and the same time. I'm still recovering, but I'm feeling LOADS better then I was five or so days ago. Love y'all, and, as always, stay happy and FURRY ON!!! 

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