Reference Sheet

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A/N- This will be a continuously updated reference sheet to help keep track of people, places, and things in the story. It will always be the "latest" chapter, so don't freak out when you read a new chapter and then this is after it again xD Feel free to suggest more dragon breed names btw, I'm having a hell of a time with them


Me(the narrator)- Alex Shadowwalker, Magic: Destruction, Shadow

Fafnir (faf-NEAR) Shadowstorm- Dragon, Karyon, my partner

Master- Unnamed, last rider before Alex, unknown magic

Rane- Dragon, Karyon, Master's partner

Dad- Unnamed, Magic: True Chaos(Formerly), currently a teacher of all magics

Max- Best friend, Magic: Nature

Kajeel- Leader of men in the woods, translator for the Latin speaking tribe

Nate- Friend in city, witch, unknown son of The Priest, fond of pyrotechnics

Akira(ak-EAR-ah)- Nate's familiar, husky, male

The Priest- Tall, violet eyes, handsome, bad guy, warlock, most powerful warlock known, spirit element

Collin Nightwolf(Owned by Frostbite266)- Wolf shifter

Sabre(SAB-ray)- Spirit living inside all shifters, favoring Collin as his vessel

Bruce(know as Rigby)(Owned by RigbyWolf)- Wolf shifter

Drak- Unknown, partner with Viper,

Viper- Unknown, partner with Drak, He of the Silver Tongue, old friend of Alex's

Crow- Leader of Viper and Drak's unnamed group


Eldara- Country in which the story takes place

The Woods(Later known as Loquens Arbores Silvæ[The Forest of Speaking Trees])- Location of Kajeel and his men

Shika(SHE-kah)- City where Nate lives

Nemus- Forest home of the elves

Regnum Aeternus- Capital of Nemus

The Bearded Goat- Rough pub and lodging

Nara Ocean- Ocean that makes the western border of Eldara

Fairy Hills- A range of small mountains near the eastern border

Dark Mountains- A range of large mountains in the south-east, home to darker species


Human or Human-like

Humans- Normal people

Witches- Usually have a familiar, able to use magic but prefers potions and other made objects

Warlocks- Powerful magic users, usually used to refer to an evil or bad magic user, differed from spell weavers by using spells and potions, although preferring magic, have a strong connection to a specific element

Shifters- Characteristically human, has the ability to shift instantly between animal form(usually wolf) and human form, retains ability to speak while in animal form, less than twenty left alive

Elves- Almost exactly like humans in look, except they have pointed ears, tend to be taller(average of 7 feet), and almost exclusively have blond hair and green eyes(with the exception of Alex, the only elf to have red hair and multi-colored eyes(a mix of green, blue, and gold in each eye)), walks everywhere with dignity and slight cockiness, although rarely leave the forest, preferring their own kind over other species, with the exception of the Riders


Orks- a small, ugly breed, known for their rancid odor, love of violence, and small brain capacity, mostly exterminated

Dragons (all names in plural form)

Sparks- A small but insanely fast dragon known to electrocute its prey, usually a dull green or yellow to blend in with the underbrush, not able to breathe fire

Karyon- "Classic Dragon", largest of all the breeds, the only breed to be bonded

Inlustri- The rarest breed, able to shift into and travel between shadows, pure black with star-like patterns, no two dragons of this breed have the same pattern, not able to breathe fire but instead able to absorb the life force of living creatures

Arcatus- Rare breed no longer found in Eldara borders, only breed of dragon able to consciously use magic and bend it to their will, commonly referred to as the strongest breed, due to their magical abilities

Tempestai- Dragons of the sea, wings made for swimming at extreme speeds instead of flying, has no extra limbs besides a thick tail used as a rudder, able to create typhoons and hurricanes, not able to breath fire, but can shoot jets of boiling water at prey, able to shoot further than twenty feet above the water from the surface

Procellai- The opposite of the Tempestai in almost every sense, dragons of the sky, the quickest and most maneuverable of any breed, able to fly at mach speeds and stop almost instantly, long and thin, perfect aerodynamics, able to create massive windstorms and tornados, not able to breathe fire

Terrenai- A bulky, thick-scaled dragon, know for its extraordinary ability to dig holes and rebury behind them as they dig, the most common breed to attack towns, able to go undetected until it surfaces without advanced geo/tracking magic

Natura Pelli- Literally Nature Fur, medium forest dwelling dragons, furred instead of scaled, herbivorous, but extremely quick and intelligent, not able to breathe fire

Profanus- Literally Unholy, a breed of dragon brought into existence by powerful necromancers of the past, completely skeleton but still has the ability to think and speak for itself, unknown how they reproduce, having no external anything

Caelesti- Angelic breed of dragon, pure white only, feathered wings, known for their ability to heal almost any wound short of instant death, highly sought because their feathers act as an antidote to almost every known poison, has not been seen in over 1000 years, often referred to as quod benedictus unus, or The Blessed Ones

2 more unnamed breeds, TBA


Umbra Mordēre- Alex's sword, literally Shadow Biter, named so for his signature of engulfing the sword in shadow magic to make it look like a mouth as he slashes

ille Exsecratus Gladius- The Cursed Blade, a legendary item of a past king gone mad, said to drive the user to necromancy and madness, no hard proof of its existence

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