Chapter 3: Its just us ❤

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"Y'all niggas ready" spade said stepping off the step, putting on his Black skully with the words COCAINE PAPI written across it. I've always thought that hat was so fly.

"just about." I said as I put on my My gamma 11s.

"Them leather pants are fly Kel, where you get them at?" Candice said while she was pushin up her titties in the mirror

"I'll tell you later." I said adjusting the tongue of my shoe. "Oh shit im bout to leave without my shit. Excuse me" I said getting up off the sofa and walking by Candice. I made my way up the spiral staircase to go to my room. 

"My God." I said closing the door behind me. I flopped down on my bed and buried my face in the the gold satin sheets below it.

I laid there trying to figure out whether I wanted to go to Velvet or not because there was people always wanting our heads because of where we stood in the game; our bricks, our money, or just because we were who we are. It wasn't like I was scared.. it was The fact that mfs plotting to kill our asses every chance they could get. and that shit was so irritating.

Finally holding my head up, I realized that I was about to get left. I reached under the bed to get my gun case, but instead I pulled out an old Nike shoe box.

Not remembering what's inside, I pulled it out further.

After sliding my fingertips off of the top of the box, i noticed that alittle dust remained on them. After dusting my hands off, I opened the box.

When I opened the box, the sight of the memories lit up my eyes. There were pictures of me and Kwame when we were going to Crenshaw before I left and moved to Atlanta with my dad, which was about a month before Kwame was killed.

After taking out the pictures and admiring them, i discovered old notes that he would use to write me. I wanted to read one so bad, but I knew I didn't have enough time to fuck around. After shuffling the notes to the other side of the box, I found the silver rose Kwame had got me for my 15th birthday. Even though it was dead and dried out, you could tell that the flower was one of a kind.

Under the rose was a little bronze object that I had overlooked. I was so excited about what I was finding in the box I didn't realize what that was.

Remembering what that could have been, moved the rose out the way to see.

I picked up the little bronze object that had a kinda rusty red at the tip.. and I'll be damned. there it was. It was the one of the failing bullets that Kwame had took in the chest the night he got killed.

I felt tear swell up in my eyes. I remember when his mama gave me the bullet at the funereal. She told me that Kwame always said if he were to die over a bullet, me and her were to keep the failing ones and that it was a sign of faith from him to us.

I stared at the bullet and pulled it close to my chest.

"you will forever be my wawa." I said pulling the bullet up to my lips, kissing it and then sitting it back down in the box.

Not remembering that I had somewhere to be, I looked through the box for more stuff.

"What's suppose to be wrong wit you?" a voice said moments later after my thug cry.

quickly sliding the box back under my bed with one hand and reached under my mattress with the other, i pulled out my piece. After turning around to see who's body I was bout to cop, I seen it was Spade.

"You sum serious man." he said from the other side of the room. he smirked and shook his head, then he began to light a blunt.

I just stood there with my shit still aimed at him. I didn't know whether to be scared or worst... I say that because when I first moved in, he made it clear that he didn't want no memories of Kwame in the house because he says that he was the one that was suppose to be killed that night, not Kwame.

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