Demon Six-O'clock

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Usagi and Ami sat on the bench of the bus stop, Luna belly-up in Ami's warm, fleece covered arms, purring softly as fingers caressed her fur. Ami leaned down in a slump, her voice soft although there was nobody else waiting within the vicinity. The sky was a wash of white clouds, the slender trees silhouetted and appearing stark black against he brightness. A thin breeze fluttered over and making a white noise, though the sounds of cars seemed extra loud in the near empty streets. Luna's closed her eyes, ears perking as she listened to Ami's soft voice,

"I still can hardly believe it." She murmured to the both of them. Usagi leaned away, knowing exactly what the next words were going to be for she had heard it at least fifteen times within the last four days. "We are the Guardians of Justice." Luna's bald patch lit dimly in the already bright day, her eyes widening to reveal two cherry red irises with a slit for pupils, strangely emotional for a cat and still disconcerting to look at.
"Its okay, you've only just awakened your power, you will get used to it soon." She glanced at Usagi who had already quit the conversation, rummaging in her bag for the manga that she had forgotten at home. Ami smiled softly, observing her from the corner of her eye.
"But Luna," She started, turning back to the cat that lay in her arms. "What should be do now?" Her large turquoise eyes slanted together in thought, her lips parting as the memories flooded back of the teacher turning into a beast, and the stories of Usagi's friend's mom. Anybody could be possessed, she realized. Luna twisted, squirming down to perch next to her knee.
"We have to protect our princess." She decided, "And the Legendary Silver Crys-" Luna was interrupted by a loudly sighing Usagi who must have realized that she had forgotten her manga, now breaking a twig that she had found on the ground as Luna peered disdainfully up at her. Ami ignored both of them, thinking through what Luna had said, trying to tie in the observations she had made of the previous attack, trying to thin of a way to predict the next possible threat.
"What about that new urban legend that has been popping up recently? The one about the so-called 'Demon bus.'" She pinched her lips to the side, remembering the news article in it the other day. It had reported that people who had traveled on a certain bus had disappeared, although there was no evidence. Only the tale that had spoke of a third hill that the passengers had reported going over that didn't seem to be on the road. Ami turned towards Usagi, fingers curling patiently in her lap as she spoke,
        "Usagi?" The first name still felt strange to say, she hadn't had the chance to do so for many years. "Have you heard of the "Demon 6:00 PM Bus?" Usagi sat up, dropping the snapped twig from her hands and rubbing them on her skirt.
     "On the Sendai-Zaka?" She scrunched her eyebrows together, " dad said its not true though." She dismissed the idea easily, the confirmation from her dad being the only thing she needed apparently. Ami pressed her lips tighter, trying to pretend that Usagi was just a small child who needed coaxing, Luna crawled across her lap to sit between the two of them, looking slightly incredulous.
"Usagi, it might correlate to the enemy! Always pay attention to these type of things, it part of your job as a Sailor Guardian and your duty to the-"
"Okay! Okay!" Usagi leaned back in the seat, cradling one of her twin tails and tying it into knots, staring at the sky as she recalled the information. "My dad didn't say much because he didn't want Shingo to get scared-" Luna muttered something inaudible to Ami, although it must have been rude because Usagi snapped back almost immediately. Sulky, she scooted away, her tone unforgiving and monotonous, "When you take the bus at whatever-o'clock, you'll never return." Forgetting about her grudges, Usagi leaned at them, her voice becoming raspy and low as she repeated the last sentence as if an echo. "Never return, never return." Though it was fake, the mood that the words left in Ami was not at all a cheerful one, making her mind wander into unexplored crannies that told her just how this might be something to worry about. "Maybe Death itself is driving the bus." Usagi added, gripping the edge of the seat with wide eyes glued to Ami. "Its bound for Hell..."
"Usagi, stop that, you are scaring Ami!" Luna made them both jump, awakening Ami from her dark trance that she had fallen into, thinking of all the ways it could be true. A rumbling from afar warned them of the arrival of the bus, as it neared, Ami checked the time to make sure it wasn't 6:00, she knew it couldn't be, seeing the amount of daylight and the brief time they had left school, but still, her paranoid mind often took over in such situations. Usagi was unfazed, already forgetting about it to whine in her annoying, yet endearing tone.
"Why do you have to go to cram school again? Don't leave me!" She grumbled as she lifted her bag to strap it over her head. Ami giggled softly, ducking her head,
"Would you like to come with me then?" She joked, rising to her feet as the bus brakes screeched to a halt and becoming a confining wall of shadow over them. The scent of smog filling the air, and uncomfortable heat from metal on metal as they stood before the doors. Usagi screwed up her face, her shoulders scrunching up to demonstrate how awful it would be if it wasn't just a joke. Ami couldn't help but to feel bad for Usagi's lack of ambition, as a mortal, she would hardly be able to get out of school. At least she had found her place as a Sailor guardian. As the doors released their air pressured seal, Ami leaned over, murmuring,
"Across the seat at the front of the bus, a beautiful girl is always seated there." She giggled as Usagi's eyes grew mischievous, ignoring how out of character that was of Ami. She nodded her head, eyes wide with interest as if to say, go on. "Well, I see her all the time on the bus, her uniform says that she goes to the T.A. Girls Academy." Ami explained, a rosy blush blooming over her cheeks.

         The bus pulled up just then, muffling Ami's next words with a deafening screech.She couldn't help but to remember Sailor Moon's scream the other night, and how it had broken the windows from such intensity. With a grimace at he memory, they loaded onto the stuffy bus, Usagi quickly deciding to come and stuffing Luna into her school bag as Ami paid. They managed to squeeze near the front, holding onto the rungs that hung from the ceiling. The girl in front of them with the ponytail offered her a seat although Ami politely declined, choosing to stand on the tipsy vehicle rather than socialize. As the bus closed its airtight doors with a whoosh, she read the pixelated sign that flashed near the front. Her heart rate sped for a second, recognizing the name of the street and bus number, the Sendai-Zaka, thank goodness this wasn't 6:00, even though it was merely a tale to attract visitors with no real data proof, the idea scared Ami more than ever.
"Is that her?" Usagi interrupted, pointing across the aisle with pursed lips. Ami didn't even have to look to know that it was the girl, she discreetly nodded and faced the window, strips of light flashing into her eyes painfully. She could hear Usagi's heavy breathing that was too conspicuous in this crowded bus, Ami covered her face with her icy hand, trying to hide the crimson that leaked into her neck and ears. She watched as Usagi's hue mirrored her exactly, flushing pink as her mouth dropped open in awe, her eyes like saucers.
"Usagi, its rude to stare." Ami murmured, her gaze locking on the girl despite her words. She was indeed beautiful, silky black hair with purple highlights, reaching nearly to her knees and curling inward. Her skin was flawless without a hint of a freckle or blemish, a pink undertone cooling her already icy white skin. One hand suspended above her head, she gazed wearily outside the window, her deep violet eyes reflecting the whizzing trees from outside, smouldering lashes caressing her pale cheek. She wore the standard uniform for the T.A. Girls Academy, a russet pleated skirt that fell past her thighs, and a crisp, tawny coat that hung over her button-up shirt. The girl had a strangely fierce appearance, her slanted eyes blazing intently and small lips pressed tightly in thought as if she were trying to solve all of the world's problems before this brief bus trip was over. The delicately straight nose that poked from behind her raised cheekbones made this teenager seem older than reality, an air about her that suggested she had seen many terrible things over the years. As if sensing Usagi's love-struck stare, she turned abruptly, Ami hardly being able to cover her stalking tendencies already. A bit of light struck her in the eye as the girl squinted at them curiously, Ami dismissing it or a flash of light although she knew fully well that the sun shone on the opposite side of the bus. Maybe the raven-haired girl saw the flash as well, for her lips quivered, almost as if she were about to say something to one of them, although she must have not felt it necessary. She raised her slender fingers to her face, massaging her temples as if it had begun to throb. Ami batted at Usagi's sweatshirt, trying to grab her attention back in case the girl felt uncomfortable.

"Ami..." Usagi murmured, barely moving her lips, her eyes bugging out. Ami turned away exasperatedly as a stop came into view, deeming her efforts to stop Usagi's attention-drawing acts in vain. The bus came to a smooth stop, sending the passengers swaying awkwardly to the side with a few grunts of apology. Ami leaned against the back seat, taking deep breaths to release the rush of blood into her face. She peered from the corner of her eye as the girl stepped from the bus with a brisk nod to the driver, numerous others who jabbered as they unloaded, none quite as swift or elegant as the mysterious girl with violet eyes.

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