Sailor Mars

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            At first, there was nothing. Darkness, blackness, night. Then, a tiny infinitesimal seed of consciousness was sown deep inside Rei, like a tiny fire that spread through er whole body and lingered at the tips of her toes. And then....she could feel.

             Awakening did not open her eyes but she could still sense her surrounds, partly from her psychic powers and partly from the one sense that she had regained. The first thing Rei noticed was that she was lying down on something cold and hard, chunks of gravel pricking into her lower back. Her upper back was rested on something a lot softer, yet a lot lumpier than a pillow, head stretched backwards uncomfortably and suspended in the empty air. Chills clung to her skin and arced up her arms that were flung around her head and caught between strands of her own hair. The second thing she became aware of was the fact that a cold hand was fingering her face, brushing over her eyelids and tracing down her jawline, icy fingers that scooped between her eyes and nose. Whoever it was who so fervently touched her smelled of ash and iron- a rancid scent that rolled from their body in waves. She wanted to jerk away, but her entire body seemed to be paralyzed. Her brain told her hands to move, but the muscles wouldn't react, not eve tensing up when she told them to. Rage flowed through her of the memories of chasing the bus, the visions and how she must have fallen unconscious. From....fear? No, Rei hardly ever panicked, but right now, she couldn't help it. Had this person somehow drugged her? Was it the same person that she had seen driving the bus? The possibilities of what he could be doing bombarded er brain as she raced through ever last outcome, her heart rate increasing.

          Her mind worked overtime, sensing signals to various limbs only to be confronted with defeat, unable to move a single part of her limp body. The brushing on her cheek suddenly stopped, their hand still lying flat on her face although immobile. The shadow that she didn't even realize was crossed over her face moved, green light shone through her eyelids and burned into her pupils painfully. The was a shuffling as the person in front of her moved, then a clack of two shoes to show that they were now standing. A voice echoed throughout whatever clandestine chamber they were in, masculine and strangely sharp.

"You two!" The voice snarled, reverberating in her ears as another cool wave of air washed over her. There was a moment of silence, and then another voice mastered the last one, filling the area with its strident whine,

"I am the Pretty Guardian in a Sailor Suit, Guardian of Love and Justice. Sailor Moon!" It penetrated the air with its buoyant ring."And now, in the name of the Moon, I will punish you!" Usagi-chan, the girl from a day ago. It was definitely her voice despite its newfound confidence that she didn't have before. Rei tried to open her eyes but her attempt was futile.

What was she doing here? Wherever they were....

       Suddenly, another voice could be heard, this one was soft and mellifluous- its faint quaver signaling that she was restraining her fright. "I am also a Pretty Guardian in a Sailor Suit, Guardian of Love and Intelligence. Sailor Mercury!" This new girl paused to catch her breath, taking a little too long before shouting, "Douse yourself in water and repent...!"

           This time, Rei was set on overcoming whatever paralyzing drug the man had used on her. She tried to block out the next words that came from directly in front of her, hardly understanding what they meant. Mind falling back into nothingness, she searched in that induced darkness for something in her consciousness that could pull her from this immobile state. It was just as she does at the shrine, forcing her brain into the future and dissecting all of the indecipherable whispers that was fired at her. She battled with them, trying to distinguish the voices from the outside of Usagi-chan, from the voices within. There was a strand of sensory that floated into her mind, she mentally reached to it and grabbed hold, a whoosh of unnecessary predictions scattering as she broke through the barrier. Her eyes rolled open to reveal a dull pool of violet, a spark of electricity brightening all of her five senses to maximum. It worked.

Act 3-Rei Hino-Sailor MarsWhere stories live. Discover now