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Usagi was the only person on the bus, except for Luna, but she hardly counted. She sat in the very back so that Luna and her could have privacy to discuss this mysterious Rei Hino. She recounted all of the information that Rei had given them back to Luna, plus the bits and pieces that her dad had told her (although it wasn't much,) and the questionable rumors that had been spread around school. Apparently, one student had been taken a week ago and still has not shown any signs of return, although Usagi knew only too well how facts could get warped as they were spread. But that was another story, the main issue was connecting these disappearances with the attacks of their villain. She unconsciously fingered the bracelet that Ami had helped to win her at the arcade, almost looking like a watch although neither of them could figure out how to open it.
"Spirited away..." Usagi murmured, gazing out the window as she listened to Luna blather on. The light flickered painfully across her eyes, flickering between trees as the sun began to peek from behind the clouds as it always seemed to around this time
"I mean, think about it, a mysterious girl with spiritual powers? That's not something that we come across every day. Even her appearance, a noble face...she's a shrine maiden..." Luna trailed off, tilting her head to grab Usagi's attention. "She might just be the princess that we are looking for." Usagi sighed, picturing Rei in a dress and crown.
"She is beautiful enough to be one!" Usagi squealed quietly so the bus driver couldn't hear. Luna could only glare and try to impose a serious tone to the conversation. The bus darkened as they passed under a graffitied tunnel, only Luna's ruby red eyes blinking in the momentary darkness.
"Or-" She was cut off with the screech of brakes, Luna bracing herself against the seat so as not to be thrown forward, Usagi hardly noticed. Two doors whooshed open and folded into the side of the bus, a crowd of people began to fill the bus. Their conversation ended here apparently.

        Usagi scooped Luna into her lap, whispering uselessly encouraging words into her pointed ear as the small space became warm and packed with passengers. She gripped the edge of the seat murmuring, "See, nobody is back here, we can still talk." She bounced on the springy cushion and swung her feet that skidded onto the dirty floor. Suddenly, Luna sprang from her arms and curled up near the window, shoving her paw to point at the seat next to them. Usagi's eyes widened, her back pulling up straight.

It was the man that she had kept seeing in the streets, a head taller than herself and lightly tanned skin. faintly, past the reflection in his sunglasses, she could see that he was peering as her from the corner of his eyes. Once again, the man wore a deep blue suit that could easily pass or black, and a red tie tucked beneath the collar. He raised his hand to brush the black strands of hair that covered his far right eye.
"Why....are you talking to yourself?" He muttered huskily, turning his head to face her cautiously. Usagi's mouth opened in a silent scream, fidgeting with the edge of her skirt as she was reduced to a stunned stare. "Stop with that face, Bun-head." He broke the eye contact to gaze uncomfortably out the window. "Why do we always tend to bump into each other?"
"Uh..." Usagi's mind raced, her heart thudding like a ticking bomb in her chest. "Maybe we are on the same school route? Do you go to the junior high school too?" She pasted a friendly grin to her face trying to hide the whir of emotions within. The man almost seemed offended by the idea, behind the mask of calm, she could sense impatience stirring. He reached into the inner breast pocket and whipped out a thick card, thrusting it into her face without another glance. Taken aback, she raised an eyebrow in confusion and nearly crossed her eyes in order to read the ID card. It had a tiny picture of him in the corner, she had to admit that he was kind of handsome, and a whole lot of writing that listed his year of high school: second, school: Moto-Azabu, and name: Mamoru Chiba.
"I am a high school student!" He corrected indignantly, glaring at her with not a tone of superiority that she would expect, but rather of trying to find a way to prove himself.

         Gulping, her lips twitched up in an artificially apologetic smile, raising her brows and discreetly scooting away. The man- Mamoru was slumped over, probably realizing how rude it must have seemed and turned his head towards the window although Usagi could have sworn that he was staring at her from the corner of his eye. It was at least another full forty seconds before Usagi gathered her courage to clear her throat and confront him again.

"Uh..." She began softly. Mamoru tensed but did not waver from his stiff stature. "Have you heard of the Demon 6:00 PM Bus?" She murmured, her shoulders scrunching up shyly as she faced him. Mamoru sucked in a breath and removed his glasses wearily, folding them distractedly in his hand.

"Yes. Its this route isn't it." It was not a question, but more of a statement of resignation, sad and accepting. He turned his head a couple degrees, allowing her to see his eyes that were constantly hidden beneath the shades. They were a pool of liquefied bronze, glinting warmly in the dull light. Specks of gold were flecked near the pupil like flakes of the precious mineral amidst a rushing river, full of mild amusement and layers of sadness that glazed over his entire expression. Usagi was taken aback, lost in his eyes that seemed to melt into her own blue ones. It took her a second to rip her gaze to a spot over his shoulder, composing her body in a way that suggested disinterest in the topic. She nodded stiffly, dragging Luna into her lap as a distraction for her hands, wanting to hide under the seat or jump from the window. Luna whined softly, somehow breaking away the awkwardness and leaving them in abrupt silence.

She could hardly feel the harsh rapping of her heart against her ribs, only Mamoru's fascinated gaze as they waited for the bus to reach its destination.

Act 3-Rei Hino-Sailor MarsWhere stories live. Discover now