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"Mii-chan!" Rei cried and stumbling over blindly, tears sparking her eyes. She flung herself on the small girl who was newly awakened, hugging the child with her whole body. Mii sat up, brushing away Rei's sweat-soaked kimono and peering cautiously at her with large, sage green eyes. Rei sobbed, a grimacing smile stretching at he corner of her lips, as she searched Mii's face, trying to take in every magenta strand of hair that clung greasily to her scalp, pulled back in two pigtails. The powdery pink blotch that spread over her skin, and her tiny lips and nose that were arranged confusedly with irises flicking around to observe her surroundings.

            They sat in the middle of the sidewalk on the opposite side of the neon caution tape that was strung around the area. A line of stoic police officers shielded the oncoming crowd from the awakening passengers who were slowly rousing with the assistance of permitted medical persons. Sirens sounded in the distance, warding away the unwanted crowds and clearing the way for ambulances as red and blue lights flickered. Right after the three of them had transported, they de-transformed and pretended to be one of the missing passengers who were 'mysteriously dumped in the middle of the street, not a sign of their whereabouts.'

"Rei," Mii whimpered. "Why am I here?..." They gripped each other's arms tighter, her eyes watering in bewilderment. Rei sucked in a breath, unsure of it herself. A tear stained the red fabric of her dress, watching it smear down her knee.

"The Sailor Guardians saved you." She replied, gulping painfully. Mii's round eyes flicked to the side, her pudgy hands releasing from their embrace and she flipped around.

"Mama!" She bounced on her knees, all of her attention falling to her mother who was permitted through the police barrier. Rei withdrew, scooting backward and standing to watch the reunion.

"Mii! Stars above, you don't know how much-" Her next words were muffled as her mouth was buried in Mii's hair, her arms curling around her daughter's tiny body and holding tight. The mother refused to acknowledge Rei, which seemed pretty reasonable, but still slightly rude considering that Rei had just saved the lot of them. All three of them cried. Rei raised her hand to her mouth, propping it up with the left to cover the watery grin that formed. She stood, relieved and more than happy to see them all safe again, every one of their waking forms filled her with satisfaction.

       A couple near the edge of the group was being administered the waking injection, their hands clasped tightly even in sleep. The athletic-looking androgynous woman being the first of the two to be roused sat up and immediately turned to her aqua haired partner who still lay unconscious. Lifting the woman into a sitting position, Girl #1 cradled the Girl #2 until she stirred, immediately turning her eyes up to her partner's and crying her name. It was immediately smothered with a vehement kiss, arms wrapped around each other's shoulders, a dappled blush dawning over Girl #2's cheeks as Girl #1 stroked her hair. Rei pinched her lips in a smile as she watched their beautiful reunion, remembering how the man- Jadeite had so lovelessly touched her. It was a disgusting thought as Rei remembered, giving her shivered at the memory and acknowledging how differently it was from the passionate couple's loving embraces. She watched the pair of them lift themselves from the ground and try to locate a police officer, looking slightly disoriented but delighted all the same.

            Turning her back, she traipsed back to the others- Usagi and the girl she had recently learned was named Ami. Usagi gave a sanguine smile, holding a sleeping Luna in her crossed arms. Ami was at her side, appearing slightly disgruntled from the trip, but pleasant and intelligent looking as ever.

"Now there are three Sailor Guardians." Usagi prompted, her voice breathy in order to hide it from the nearby police. She leaned forward, a secretive expression falling oh-so not discreetly over her face. Ami gave a decorous bow of the head,

"I am so glad that you have joined us, Sailor Mars. We were looking for somebody like you." She stated warmly, her mild grin widening as they made eye contact. Rei almost blushed as a red siren light flashed, her eyes brightening up in pride. Usagi winked and turned away towards the release gate, hushing a squirming Luna in their arms.

         Rei felt her chest warm in delight as she realized that they were a fighting trio. That even without their sailor suits, the three of them would be sticking close together to fight both mortal and supernatural enemies. Maybe it was intuition, maybe it was her subconscious training as a shrine maiden, but Rei had a feeling that this was nothing compared to the evils they would have to face in the near future, but she would also feel a much stronger emotion than friendship in their journeys.

And with that thought, the three of them walked into the night, a silvery crescent moon looming eerily over their heads as they let themselves be swallowed by darkness.

Act 3-Rei Hino-Sailor MarsWhere stories live. Discover now