A Beast's Tale

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Ever wonder about how the Beast became cursed?

Was the fact that he turned the old lady/enchantress away during a storm REALLY the reason he became a beast?

What if there was more to the story? 

What if the curse wasn't his to begin with?

Garvan Maelgwyn (great name, I know) is not the first Beast. In fact, he's not even the tenth! 

The 'Beast spell' is enchantress Ariella's specialty. She often used it as her go-to as a punishment for rejection. Or in this case, Garvan's father's rejection of Ariella's 'womanly charms.' 

Strictly speaking, as a "magical godmother," (she hasn't got wings, she's not a fairy, but she still has 'benevolent magic,' so she was pressured into the job by the Magical Godmother Association, or MGA for short,) she's not supposed to proposition her 'godchildren,' but let's face it, she hadn't had much luck in the love department and she was getting desperate. 

But her curse doesn't stick for very long, and soon the man dies. Furious, his son (Garvan) confronts her when she shows up on one of her monthly gloating visits and rages at her. Ariella, of course, gets all offended and curses poor twelve year old Garvan with the Beast spell, but this time, it's a little different.

Will Garvan meet his Beauty? Will the curse of being Ariella's Godchild ever end?

Find out more in A BEAST'S TALE!

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