The Wolf's Red

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Note: This is a sequel to A Beast's Tale, and though it can be read separately, it is not advised. This story is a Red Riding Hood adaption. Enjoy!

At 27, it was long since past the usual age to take a mate. Sirhan Lyall, knew that. Without his mate, he was becoming more and more aggressive and moody with each passing year. He knew that he couldn't become Alpha of his Pack until he took a mate, but was reluctant to do so. He'd seen what losing a mate could do to a Wolf, and he was determined to never let that happen to him.

But one day, Sirhan saw a young woman battling fiercely against her assailants in the woods, and something in him clicked. She was his.

Roana had always been a wild child. She never quite fit in with the society of her little village, let alone in the stifling confines of the king's court. She had always preferred the comfortable feel of her brother's trousers to the heavy skirts that she was supposed to wear, and had preferred to run wild through her father's estate than to sit quietly in a solar and embroider all day.

 While beautiful, she was unruly and wild, and wasn't exactly in high demand with the men, but the fact that her outlandish ways were also handy for scaring off potential suitors was an added bonus for Roana. She had seen how marriage had ruined her sisters for everything and anything besides housework, (well, with one as an exception, but she was no longer in the picture) and she swore that that would never happen to her. She vowed that she would never belong to anyone.

But can she resist the Wolf and keep her vow?

Find out in The Wolf's Red!

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