Thighs (Markjae smut)

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This is smut and yes I got this inspiration from the Youngbam smut lmao I have a thigh kink. Ok don't kiNK SHAME ME😫 I was actually going to make this 2jae or Jackjae but I already have those so I decided on markjae because I love them??? Oh and because mark is gone and I miss him already ily Mark.

10 years... that is how long Mark has been gone.

Just kidding it has only been like 1 week or 2 but if you ask Youngjae that is what he will say.

Mark just got home. Youngjae gave him a hug and a kiss and let his hyung go shower. He wanted to wrap Mark up and never let him go but he knows how tired his hyung is.

Mark climed into bed and wrapped himself in the covers hugging Youngjae.

Youngjae was on his phone trying to ignore the heat of his hyung's presence. But
fuck Mark is hard to ignore. Mark literally never talks but there is something about him that makes you want to acknowledge him. Youngjae isn't sure what it but seriously... something about Mark's aura that is just so enticing. He's mysterious yet inviting???

Youngjae doesn't want to bother him but it only takes .0001 second for Youngjae to give up and speak.

"Hi Mark Hyung," he says, eyes focused on his screen even though it is his home screen. Mark's lips are too pretty and his body too warm, Youngjae has always known this. He even joked to Mark being so think yet his body being like a space heater. "What's up?"

"Nothing," Mark says. His head lying against Youngjae's stomach. His hair is still a little damp soaking through Youngjae t-shirt. Youngjae doesn't really let people lay on him other than Mark and coco. And sometimes yugyeom but that is because he is the youngest so Youngjae allows him to be babied.

"What are you doing?" Mark finally speaks more than one word. Youngjae doesn't mind the fact that Mark never speaks. He says that it part of Mark's "American charm".

"I was messaging my friends but they fell alseep so nothing now." He feels embarrassed that he was starting at his home screen so he locks the phone and sets it on the night stand.

"Are you tired?" Mark ask.

He was but something about Mark being with him after so long woke him up.

"Not anymore" Youngjae says, It's only half a lie. "How could I be tired after you just come home?"

It's late. Almost 4 am. Mark moves himself to rests his cheek against Youngjae's thigh and looks up at him. Youngjae has to bite his cheek to not moan out loud as Mark's tummy brushes against youngjae's half hard length. Youngjae feels himself shiver and hopes that Mark won't notice.

"I'm just checking," Mark smiles slightly looking down again. He rubs the tips of his fingers on youngjae's soft skin. He rubs up to his boxers hem. Youngjae notices how his boxers are rolled up at the ends exposing most of his thigh.

"Not tired yet hyung," he repeats. He won't say it out loud because he can't find the words but he is hinting around to Mark that he is his tonight.

Yugyeom and bambam are probably out somewhere together. Jinyoung is with Jaebum in the studio and Jackson is probably hanging out with friends. The dorm is empty except for them.

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