Anger overload

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Summer pov
I had no choice but to inject Jax with the vervain, sooner or later he would have just transformed in front of the entire student body.

It's not like I didn't have a plan to get him out, the only thing he had to do was keep his temper down.....Now that I think about it this might be harder than I thought.
"Hey" I whispered Jax shot his head up quickly I could see the anger fuming inside his dark grey eyes but I could've sworn I saw a flicker of bright yellow. "Don- I can-" he struggled to get his words out though his repetitive clenching and unclenching of his fist spoke like no words that could have been ever said

"I know your mad but I can help just follow my lead and PLEASE keep your cool"i whispered yelled. He replied with a simple grunt, I couldn't help but unleash a smile things were actually going as planned.

Jax pov

I could feel the disgusted looks being thrown my way, it made me so angry they didn't know me and they sure didn't know what type of hell I was going through.

I tried to slow my breathing and keep my cool for Summer, gosh I did I care what she thought of me.

"Handcuff him and get him into the questioning booth" the deep voice snapped me out of my thoughts.
"Why does he have to be handcuffed?
"Summer said my defense.

A another officer entered the room and nearly knocked Summer down while telling her to keep her hands up and too back up, what she do? I could feel the anger bubbling up I guess she notice this cause she put her small hand on my chest and whispered that she would be okay. I sighed as the anger died down if felt like this whole werewolf thing wasn't helping with my anger issues.

After I was handcuffed (apparently because of my "impulses") I was dragged into the questioning booth, let the torture start.

"Jax you do have a lengthy list of violations and therapeutic sessions, why is that?"explained the officer

"My anger issues but you already know that don't you" I replied lifting up my cuffed hands

"Interesting. W.e also found multiple holes in your ro-"I cut off the officer instantly

"YOU WENT IN MY ROOM"I yelled through gritted teeth

Then I heard something, I don't know if it was the fact that I was mad or crazy but could hear Summer telling me to calm down it was as if she was right next to me.

I needed her I don't know where all these feelings came from but she kept me sane like a Anchor yeah she was my Anchor.

"Jax!!!" I was snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of the officer yelling at me.
"Jax why did you kill your mother"
His words hit me like a pile of bricks, the truth was I did kill my mother and there was no one to blame but me.

"She loved you and you..might I say viciously murdered her" I could feel the walls of my throat close and I couldn't breathe.

"I-I" memories of that might flooded my mind.. I killed my mother

"Come on Jax say it 4 simple words"
Those 4 words lingered in my head as I started to heavily breath only skipping a beat when the door burst open.

"JAX!!!" It was Summer I have never felt so relieved in my life.

"You can't be in here ma'am please exit or you will be removed by force" another officer had entered the room and whispered something in his ear as summer helped me up and walked me outside.

Summer pov

We sat outside I stared at Jax but there was nothing to stare at. His face was blank it held no emotion.

Suddenly the silence was broken "I-i killed my m-mom" his voice was hoarse and filled with sorrow "Jax don't say that" I touched his arm but my touched was quickly removed when he flinched.
"I-I going to go h-home" and with that he was gone into the darkness.

I knew I should have followed him but what could I do... I had 2 great parents and the life he wanted but never had. Jax needed some space he needed himself.


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