Sarah Who?

42 0 2

Jax pov

As soon as I woke up I made a b line to the bathroom, emptying my stomach of anything and everything I digested the night before.

Fuck I thought I had a little more pain pills but I guess not.

After brushing my teeth and washing my face I walked out the bathroom surprised at the empty living room that stood before me.

Suddenly there was a ding and a pair of footsteps came down the stairs, as if my headache could get any worse the deep voice let out a screech.

"Jay shut up" I knew exactly who it was, no one was this hyper at 5:30 in the morning.

"Aww is someone agitated" he purposely raised his voice to annoy me.

"Yea yea, where's the girls?" I rubbed my temples roughly.

"All went home to get ready for schoooooooollllllll" he shouted.

"Jay shut the f-"

"Say anything else and you can kiss these goodbye" I turned my head sharply to notice that Jay held two pain killers in one hand and the other one on the garbage disposal.

"Or I can rip your throat out" I felt my claws grow but I was in full control

"Oooh bad decision" in one swift movement Jay drop the pills and turned on the garbage disposal, wrecking any chance of a good morning.

In defeat I dropped my head on the granite countertop and groaned loudly.

"Okay crybaby have some coffee and some cheese grits" he placed the plate and mug in front of me.

"I don't drink coffee" I mumbled as I made my way to the blender.

"Why?!?" He yelled, purposely of course.

"I feel tired and heavy after, my dad always made me smoothies cause he thought I was lactose intolerant" I felt a pang of sadness as I talked about my father.

I grabbed some ice, coconut water and berries.
After breakfast I hurried up the stairs to get dressed for another dreaded day of school.


I never really cared about how I looked but i decided to try today.

After digging through my dresser and some dirty clothes.

(Don't judge me I haven't washed clothes and to be honest I didn't know how)

I found some ripped short's and a black tee, and through on a green hoodie.

I didn't feel like doing my hair so I put on a burgundy beanie, along with some knuckle rings my mom got me for my birthday.

I walk downstairs and notice Jay isn't ready for school nor has he left my house.

"Hey aren't you gonna go home and get ready for school"

"Wow Mr.Cameron Dallas it's a pleasure to meet you" he cooed

"I look way better than him" I smirked at how much my outfit made the cut.

"Where'd this sudden confidence huh" he walked towards me I could feel my ears heat up.

"It uh it uh I guess" I stuffed my mouth with his poptart.

"hey give that back" Jay said smiling wildly.
I shook my head and sprinted up the stairs hearing jays footsteps behind me.

I ran in my room and not hearing his footsteps, stepping towards the trash can I spit out the chocolate flavored mess that was in my mouth.

Jay suddenly barged in making me jump and fall back on my bed.

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