Chapter 4

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Cheska's POV

I was taking a break from work. It was Nicole's and I's bonding time. I was up early to prepare breakfast for my adorable daughter. I turned the T.V on.

"Yes we were getting married, but I decided to take it slow" she said. Simone was on the T.V interviewed by many press. She was as usual beautiful. She was the supermodel of Victoria Secret and the only daughter of a business tycoon. She was PERFECT.
"He was so understanding with my decision" she added with that irritating smile of her. Anyone could fall for it.
It was a brief moment that she had known her. She was like a sneaky snake. She would crawl unto you and without knowing she would strangle you till you couldn't take it anymore.
"Sir, is it true that you and Simone will take it slow? I've heard she was pregnant as well" everyone buzzed around. It was Louis turn in a different venue. They never anticipated the reporter inquiry.
"Nonsense. Did she said that or did you make it up?" He was cold. He was sneering at the reporter. Poor guy. He bumped the wrong person.
"Listen well" he said to everyone. "I am not marrying Miss Rosenburg. I have a fiancee and I don't want anymore misunderstanding between us" he added.
Everyone flashed more pictures of him. "I don't want anymore nonsense from you guys. If she ran away again because of you people, YOU all will regret it" he said. Everyone went silent. They knew him to well.
"So you are engage with another woman" I mumbled. Without notice I found myself in a mess. The pancake dough was everywhere. I didn't notice that I was mixing it to hard.
I might have been affected too much to what Louis said. I felt relief that I left. But on the same time I felt a piercing pain that somehow suffocating me. It was worst than before.
Do I still love him?
Can't I escape from this horrible feeling of suffering?
"Mommy" Nicole called out. "Kitchen baby" I responded. Immediately, I could hear little feet running towards me and any minute someone clung to my side. "Good morning, mommy" I couldn't help myself from smiling at her.
This pain might be coming from her father, but I would never regret having her. For she was the only thing that I knew that love me back without hesitation.
I patted her head and disheveled her hair. "I think the pancake will go bad"
She looked at me with such adorable eyes of her. It was full of wanders. "I mix it too much" I added as if talking to a person who understand how to cook this bloody pancake. She teased me with all her hearts content that I can't stop myself from laughing.
It was half of the day. I was reading a book outside the house. I was lying in a hammock. Nicole was fast asleep in her room. I took the time to relax myself. I couldn't stop myself from dozing off.
I felt someone caressing my head. Whispers rang to my ears. It was as if  someone was telling me of something. I wanted to wake up but the sweet fragrance made me more sleepier than before.
"You still love my smell" someone said and a soft laugh followed. I didn't know what happened next. I was in deep slumber.

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