Chapter 6

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Cheska's POV

It was monday. I went out of town just to see him. It was Nicole day care today and I left Mike with her to look after. He complied without question. I managed to contact Louis last week and today was the only time he had. That guy was so busy that it was difficult to have time with him. I did not mind it when we were together. Afterall, I was not the type to clung every minute with someone.

I entered to a coffee shop. It was quite a well known that it was pack. I barely got a sit. I waited for him to come. I was five minutes earlier. I kept looking through my phone. I was cautious if he changed the time and venue. I did not want anyone see me from the town with him. Its a small town that many would wonder why THE bachelor came to talk to me. I was wearing a disguise as well. A red head wig and a fancy eye glasses were on me.
Yeah, I looked stupid. But you really cant take lightly the paparazzi following him. They would do anything to find any fancy secret he had. And I did not want them digging through my backyard.


My phone rang. Immediately I answered. It came from him.
"Where are you? I cant locate you" he said,
"Im the red hair at the end of the store" I said. Our eyes met when he looked my way.
I felt goosebumps. I barely could swallow what I am seeing. He was not in suit. He was just with his plain white shirt and a black pants together with sneakers. He was handsome. I could not stop myself staring at him. He buffed himself again. He might had hit to the gym. I kept telling him last time not to do so. He was such a health fitness freak.
"What are you wearing?" He asked me as if I was an alien doing something stupid. Yes, I know I look stupid. He should not bother asking why.
"Where is Nicole?" He asked as he looked around.
"School. I let Mike watch her" I said as I watch him look disappointed.
"Can you be honest with me? Why are you seeking Nicole? Lets face it. You are not the type who would love kids" I said upfront. 
He stared at me as if pondering what he was about to say. He might be calculating again to what he should say. 
"You sound sure about that, dear" he said. My insides were boiling as he mentioned our endearment. I did not know if I was leering at him or I was able to control my disapproval of hearing that name.
"Stop it Louis. I called you not to fix what we had but to comprise what is left" I started, "You know she is your daughter and she needs a father" I continued. My coffee came. I immediately took a sip.
"I will allow you two to meet and I will not forbid you to not see her. But in one condition, I have to know where you be and I do not want you to let others know that she is your kid" I added. "I do not want your lover to ever hold my baby. Nicole is my baby and not from your lover"
He laughed. I looked at him as if he was going mad. I did not say anything. I had waited for him to say it.
"First of, I do not have another lover. I am here because I want my fiancee and my child back.  Secondly, Nicole is our baby" he said straightly at me. I could not say anything.
"We are over Louis since that day..."
"NO WE ARE NOT" his voice increased that took me in surprise. He pulled my hand and placed the ring that I threw away long before.
"I took care of every thing dear" he started off, "we are going to marry as soon as possible. I already have a house for us to live but if you want to stay in that town I really don't mind. But I want a bigger house and a lot of space for Nicole to play around" he kept saying.
"I already picked a gown that would really look great unto you. The seamstress will redo your measurement but I do not think it would be long for it to repair" he smiled as he continued to hold my hands. He was getting crazier every minute. Was I somehow in a sit-com or something?
"What are you yapping?" I could not stop myself.
"You were cheating on me and expect me to forgive and forget? Are you nuts? Or do you see me as plainly stupid Mr Priatt?"
He smiled again. It was as if I was so adorable.
"I like it when you are mad dear" he really was nuts.
"Dear, why? Do you love someone else?" He suddenly was serious. He looked at me as if I did something horrible at him. "If you do, fess up. I will hunt that asshole and make sure he will not come close to you ever again" he said with such despise. He was back to his old self. The man who wanted everything around his palms.
I pulled my hand away. And pulled out the ring out of my finger. "I am not marrying you" I said, "Nicole will have a family day tomorrow. Come and I will introduce you to her" I said and left him alone. I did not think I will be able to.  If I was the same as before, maybe I would have given him chance for me to hear him out. But I was not the same as before. I was too tired. He did let me walk away.

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