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I was running with all my might. My heart was pounding hard but I did not stop from my tracks. My head focused to only one person in mind. Earlier, I had received a call from Mike. He was hesitating at first before saying to forgive him. He just cant disobey his boss. He did tell me the address where he brought my child. I did not have a car fancy enough to enter the subdivision. The guard would not let me enter. I had no choice but to park it outside and ran inside. 
I managed to enter the site because someone recognized me and the guard had let me in. 
I was in front of Louis' house. Yes, I came here long before. I practically lived there but I packed all my stuffs and did not look back. I was prepared not to set foot in the house but I never could imagine for me to return.
I was about to knock the door. But the door swung open and immediately someone familiar came out and hugged me so tight that I barely could breath. 
She was crying hard that I could not say anything. I could only pat her back and did not say anything. It was a weird feeling.
"Miss, I miss you" she said. This was Margarette. She was one of the oldest servant of Louis and the most trusted one as well. She was quite strict and you could say that she was not the most pleasant person to be with. It took a while for me to actually talk to her. 
"Why do you cry?" I could not stop myself from asking. I was really curious. We did manage to get close but not close enough to be treated like this.
"If only you knew how he became when you left" she said as she tried to calm herself. "We might not get along much but I never hated you unlike the others" she hugged me again.
"He was so cruel to everyone and he would be stuck into his room without eating a measly portion of his plater" she said eye to eye.
I did not say anything. How could I possibly say anything with that statement? Actually, I did not want to hear anything about his wellbeing after we separated. I did not want any more complication with my life. I was quite happy with what I already have.
"Young master already prepared the room where you and little Nicole be staying" she looked around as if eyeing for luggage. She was confuse when she did not see one luggage.
"I am here to take my daughter home, Margarette" I told her frankly. Her face went pale. She knew that this would not end good. Louis would surely fire her if she let us go. But she knew practically about my situation that I have the sole rights of my child. Louis could not take custody of my child not unless with a court order.
"Please Miss wait for young master to talk through" she begged me. I did not want to but I did not want everyone be affected with this. 
"Very well. Please call him that I am waiting for him to come home and if he did not come on time I have no choice to keep Nicole all to myself" I threatened her. She nodded and opened the door wide for me.
Nicole was in a room full of toys. All were new and fancy. I could never afford one. She was so excited to play with them. She even said that it was all given to her. I could only smile at her and let her play with her hearts content.
It was almost 6pm and he was still not home. Nicole was already asleep. She was tired from playing with all her hearts content. 
Then I heard the gate closed. He was already home.
"I am home dear" he said when he came in. I looked at him as if he was crazy. What was he thinking saying that? I really could not comprehend it. He came to me and gave a kiss on my cheeks. I was dumbfounded.
I stepped away and made sure to have a great distance from him. 
"What are you doing?" I said, "Did I not tell you that I am not marrying you"  I added. His face was neutral. He was always like this when he was upset with me. He would never show it to me.
"I never did say I will accept it" he said and placed down his briefcase. He sat down to relax. "Dear, Nicole is growing bright. Can you bare for her to grow deprived from having a father?" He said.
Now, he wanted to be part of our lives after betraying me? What was I to him? I really could not answer that.
"I love you" he whispered. It was not loud but it rang to my ears as if I was going deaf from it. He stood and approached me. He caressed my cheeks before landing a kiss I never anticipated.
It was so intense that he was craving for me. I tried to step away but he held my hips close. I tried to push him away but he was so strong that I barely move an inch.
"You are mine" he whispered to my ears that sent chills throughout my body. It was so nerve wrecking that I could not understand what to do.
"Nicole is my child and I will acknowledge her no matter what you protest" he said eye to eye. I looked away and was able to stepped away.
"I know I hurt you.." he started but I looked at him with hatred.
"STOP IT" I told him off. I was sneering at him. I could not stand it anymore. He was hurting me again. I tried to control my tears. I did promise myself not to let him see how he hurt me. 
He came closer. I could not stop myself choking every step he made. I was slowly deprived myself from breathing. 
"Come back to me" he stretched his hand to me. I could only look at him confused. His phrase shattered my cold heart. I could not contain anymore.
I cried.
I cried it all my pain and sorrows. He wrapped his arms around me and patted my back gently as he tried to calm me down.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2019 ⏰

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