Chapter One

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I aint saying she a gold Digger, but she aint messin with no broke n*gga -Kanye West 


Angelina 'Angel' Pov

I throw my lollipop wrapper away in the large silver trashcan. Our house was set in Compton California. Yeah, it may be a sorta 'ghetto' area, but there were rich parts of comptom. We decided to stay in a nice three story house. It was no masnion, because we didn't want to 'attract' attention to ourselves. 

I sit down at my office, clad in my leather boots, black jeans and a dark sweater. My hair was in a sloppy bun and my lips were slightly red from the cherry lollipop.

I give a huge sigh as I stare at my paperwork of people we've killed. I crossed off a name of the man that Demarco had recently blasted.

That would teach him to mess with our funds. Even though, we have so many people working for us in this sorta 'Crimminal' umpire we've built from the floor up, no one has really seen us personally. 

Only about six people know exactly how we look like and that we consider family. Three of them our my girlfriends, and the other three are Demarco's homies. And the funny thing about it, each of my girls were dating Demarco's boys so it all worked out perfectly.

I type away at the computer and a knock disrupts my thinking. I had a feeling who it was, so I sat my paperwork aside.

"Hey girl!" Monica, one of my girlfriends said with a smile on her face. She was clad, in a pair of true religions, a pair of spiked redbottoms with a nice lookin 'thug life' crop top with Tupac's face plastered on the front.

Her hair was up in a bun. She was mixed with Indian and Black so Mama already had that good hair unlike the rest of us. 

"Whatchu up to?" I say with a smile.

I was only nice around the girls and my boyfriend.

"Oh you know, the same stuff." She replies taking a seat in one of the large zebra printed chairs. 

I crossed my arms to stare at her, "Mhmm whatchu mean same old stuff. You and Vontay got into a fight again?" I say asking about Vontay who was her on and off boyfriend, and one of Demarcos' homeboys.

She shrugged her shoulders, "Nah we good. But the thing is, I might be pregnant. And you know how Vontay get, talkin' about we can't have no kid right now because of the circumstances."

I knew how bad she wanted to have a kid. I've been there but Demarco insists we wait because we were still young, and what we were doing was too dangerous to put our kids life at risk.

"Dang, did you take the test?"

"Well Yeah, two were positive and another two were negative, so I don't know."

I shrug my shoulders.  I didn't know what to say for that.

"I'own know, then." I say.

"Just wait a few weeks. You been gettin sick?"

"Not really." 

 I sigh and shrug my shoulders. I place my pen down and stand up. "Did I tell you about ole, boy who tired stealin our money?" I say.

Monica shook her head and crossed her arms. "Oh tell me about this dude!" She exclaimed with a smirk on her tan feautures.

"Okay, so apparently how I found out was through Vontay. The guy was saying how he was showing off, that he had stole money from us, not knowing that Vontay was one of our right hand men." I say shaking my head and thinking about the memories. The guy had honestly thought he was doin something, but little did he know we had eyes and ears everywhere, we went.

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