Signs As Friends

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♈️Aries: The "so stupid its funny" friend

♉️Taurus: The trustworthy one

♊️Gemini: The one that complains but listens when you complain.

♋️Cancer: The motivational one

♌️Leo: The strong one

♍️Virgo: The "Don't talk to my friend like that" friend

♎️Libra: The very clingy but in a good way friend.

♏️Scorpio: The one with other friends

♐️Sagittarius: The extremely funny one.

♑️Capricorn: The advice giver.

♒️Aquarius: The one that would give up their life for you.

♓️Pisces: The one that respects you.

A/n this is so fun to right when I have free time, no joke.

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