Reacting When A Friend Doesn't Want To Be Friends Anymore

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♈️Aries: Goodbye, feel free to contact me.

♉️Taurus: Is down for a while but gets back up and finds better friends.

♊️Gemini: I wish you would've heard my story before you left.

♋️Cancer: I have better friends (half the time actually doesn't)

♌️Leo: Doesn't bat an eyelash

♍️Virgo: I knew I shouldn't have trusted you. I'm sorry for doing whatever I did.

♎️Libra: Cries, but in the end, they didn't like the person.

♏️Scorpio: I will try to stop you, but in the end I shouldn't care, it's your loss.

♐️Sagittarius: Please, give me another chance if I did something wrong.

♑️Capricorn: It's not the end of the world, I will miss you, but I hope you're better off.

♒️Aquarius: I can't stop you, but I'm sorry you don't think I'm worthy of your friendship.

♓️Pisces: Cries about it for days and days, in the end realizes that the ex-friend only brought them down in the end.


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