The Plan

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Drakken walked out of his room and knocked on Shego's door. 

"What?" She responded grumpily.

"I've found a way that we can get the chip and parts from Henchco." He replied. Shego opened her door and Shego looked at him with Drakken's uni brow narrowing his eyes angrily. Drakken winced. "I've never looked that angry before."

"I find ways to look as angry as I feel." She replied "So what's the plan?" Drakken walked downstairs and almost fell over. 

"Your so light I'm used to leaning forward backwards slightly down the steps." Drakken grumbled as Shego helped him up. They went down the remaining steps and into the living room. Shego took a seat in the green chair across from Drakken's blue one. Drakken pulled out a piece of paper. "We can use the drone bot to enter Henchco's ventilation shaft, and it can be lowered through the opening here, above the chip we need. Using it's extendable arms to navigate through the laser beams surrounding it, we can grab the chip and go left down the next ventilation shaft and then we, get that drone outta there." A stunned Drakken looked at the Drakken in Shego's body.

"That actually might work. Hang on what about the other parts we need?" 

"I think I have the right cable wires in my other equipment." 

"Alright, let's get to work." Shego said and cracked her knuckles. 

Shego's eyebrow raised. "I have never cracked my knuckles before. It looks weird to see me do it." Shego rolled Drakkens eyes. 

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