Chapter 1: Phone Calls, Travel Plans, and Police Patrol

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Author Note: Hope you enjoy this chapter, I'm also on AO3 if you're interested on chatting me up and reading this story in full what I have so far there! If you do come and find me, I have the same title for the story and about the same username, please leave me a comment there or here because I love talking to y'all! :)

As Jack was packing for his two week trip to America his phone went buzzing off on his bed. He paused looking at the I.D. to see it was Felix and halted in his packing to sit down and answer the cheeky blonde.

"Whatcha want? You know I got some packing ta do."

"Don't smart at me Jack Mcloughlin, I only wanted to say I was gonna miss you," Felix fake whined with obvious mischief behind his words.

Jack rolled his eyes before huffing out, "Yeah right, you know I'm going to miss ya but you're only callin' so you can blabber on more about what you think my soulmate is gonna look like."

"So what if I want to theorize about my virgin best friend finally getting the D?"

Jack almost choked on air. "What?" Felix had suggested many, many things about his soulmate, but never that.

He could tell Felix was trying not to laugh on the other end of the line by the way he was silent for a couple more beats.

"Oh come on, you can't tell me you didn't even entertain the thought that your soulmate could be a guy!"

Jack scoffed. "Trying to figure out what my soulmate might look like is one thing, but trying to pinpoint their gender as the opposite of mine? Really Felix?!" Jack was beyond flustered now, blushing furiously and he could bet Felix knew this by the way he almost slipped up a laugh again.

"So what? You said it yourself you don't even know your own sexuality," Felix smugly pointed out.

"Most people don't know their preferences before finding their soulmate ya doof," He pointed back with a frown, not liking at all where this was going.

"Sure, whatever you say, but I know for certain that it has to be a dude."

Jack frowned again. "Why do ya say that?"

He could practically feel Felix rolling his eyes. "Isn't it obvious? A man so dainty as you is soooo meant for a man."

Jack only blushed more, borderline angry in his tone, "Are you trying to call me a twink?" He's been called so before by homophobic men, but even though it wasn't entirely unappealing to him to be labeled as such, even if he'd never admit it, it was still a bit degrading in his eyes.

"You said it, not me," Felix teased, only to receive the silent treatment for a good thirty seconds before relenting. "I was only kidding Jack! C'mon, humor me, I just want to see you meet your soulmate as soon as possible is all."

Jack huffed, still a bit upset at the word but he quickly came back off his high horse. "I know, I know, I want to meet them soon too."

"How much longer does your watch say?"

Jack glanced down at his right wrist, reading the numbers. "About 10 more days."

He heard a whoop come from the other end. "Yes! You get to meet them in America, in L.A. of all places too. Maybe they'll be a stripper!" Felix oohed, "Kinky!"

Jack face palmed and grit his teeth, "They're not going to be a stripper, fate wouldn't be that cruel," he paused, "On second thought anything other than you would be better."

Felix mock gasped. "For shame! You wound me, but you know I've already been taken." Felix had met his soulmate a year before, her name was Marzia, a secretary at their company from Italy, and from what Jack could tell they were as happy as can be, striking a cord of longing in his heart for whoever he was meant for.

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