Chapter 3: First Meetings Are The Worst

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Author's Note: Picture above has absolutely nothing to do with the story other than it being Jack and Mark. Most of the pictures will have no meaning to the chapter, they're just cute. xxx

His eyes. He's never seen such brown doe eyes before in his life. He didn't think eyes like that existed, full of both warmth and knowledge, kindness and beauty. Looking into his eyes like that, he saw a million rich earthy tones in his chocolate orbs. Each shade of brown melting together as one to form the most picturesque set of eyes known to man. Jack never craved the color of mud so much. Were his eyes part Asian perhaps? They swirled like splendid coffee as the cop stared back at him with matching desire.

My soulmate's a man.... The thought crept up on him unwillingly, but despite the undeniable statement he didn't have a care left in the world to worry over him being the same gender.

His hair! It was a fiery red of unkempt fluff mixed with raven locks. Next Jack noted his smoldering lips were a pale pink contrasting his tan skin in a rather attractive light and across his adonis chin was a closely shaven beard. Along with an equally closely shaven mustache and nicely angled cheekbones.

Jack could stare at this face all day, never so taken in by another person's features before. It caused a wave of shock to roll through his body and he quickly came to his senses about how random and awkward this would have to be, staring at someone this intently, to anyone other than the one meant for him.

He's the one...

"Hi," Jack finally decided to speak, though his voice seemed small even to himself.

Expecting a similar, maybe even more confident answer from the man, he was again shocked to see him stumble back as if struck. His once desire filled eyes dimmed and a heavy frown weighed on his lips.

"H-hi," he muttered back, and then he was silent.

Regardless Jack beamed back at the voice, hearing the obvious American accent, but it didn't sound quite like the other Californian tones. Must not have been born in this state, he deducted. Jack was so excited at just this small bit of information. I need more. "You must be my-"

"No, no, no, no!"

But Jack wouldn't be getting more, at least not right now as the raven haired soulmate of his shortly flew out of his sight, retreating back where he came. He didn't even have the time to frown before it registered in his mind that the man was completely and utterly afraid. And as quickly as he left he saw the police car once behind him now whizzing through the thin traffic of the highway, soon out of the Irishman's sight.

What just happened? Jack's mind went blank of anything but the brown eyes he was just moments ago staring in. How could something so perfect like that change so quickly? He was scared... why?

Jack frowned, his hands just laying numb on his lap, he didn't know what to do with them, what to do with himself. Do I chase after him or...?

He didn't understand it, why had he just.. Ran? Was Jack unattractive? Had he misread the look in those mocha eyes? No... it was there, a desire, a flame, a spark, a something. That couldn't have been his imagination, could it? They were soulmates, Jack eyed his watch. 

Yes... the timer had stopped, 0:00, he had met him, it was him. But then why did he feel like this was only the beginning of a harrowing story? Of a long, tireless half-nightmare half-dream. What did fate have planned out for him...? This couldn't be the end, surely.

Hands now back on the steering wheel Jack was unmoving, at war with his brain. He was scared. Was it the fact Jack was a man that scared him? Or, was he with someone else? Oh god I hope not.

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