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Hugo sat in the nurse's office, watching as she took Ivo's temperature. "You are extremely sick Mr. Fiore, I recommend you go home and get plenty of rest" Mrs. Calhoun said "you shouldn't have come to school today, do you have a ride home?"

Ivo looked down and glanced over at Hugo with questioning eyes, holding ice over his swollen and bleeding nose. Hugo nodded quietly and turned to the nurse, "if he can stay here until lunch I can drive him home"

Mrs. Calhoun nodded "sounds good, Ivo lay down on the cot and get some rest"

Ivo nodded quietly and laid down, staring at the ceiling as he waited for lunch to arrive.

-lunch time-

At lunch Hugo came into the nurse's office and helped Ivo get his stuff, leading him out to his car.

"Uh... thanks for everything... people don't usually bother with helping me" Ivo mumbled as he got in the car, putting on his seat belt and resting his head on the window.

"It's no problem, my older brother always tells me I care too much, but I believe in good karma" Hugo smiled as he started the car "by the way, what's your name?"

"I'm Ivo, what's yours?"

"Hugo, you want the window down? It'll probably help you feel a bit better"

Ivo nodded, trying to ignore the churning of his stomach and the bumps in the road. 'Please don't throw up in his car' Ivo repeated in his head, covering his mouth with a shaking hand.

"what's your address? Before you feel worse" Hugo asked, rolling down the window for the other.

"13246, down Vermont Ave" he mumbled, taking a deep breath of fresh air.

As they drove Ivo watched the other quietly, concentrating on him seemed to suppress the nausea building up in his throat. Hugo was tall, at least a foot or so taller than Ivo's short 5'4", he had messy blonde hair and pale green eyes. He had a kind face and looked very sure of himself in Ivo's opinion 'how can someone feel so sure of themselves?' he thought.

Hugo glanced over at Ivo, who turned away quickly when they made eye contact. Causing a wave of dizziness to wash over him, and he squeezed his eyes shut.

"We're just about there, hang in there" Hugo said, smiling at him in an attempt to make him feel a bit better. Ivo simply nodded, silently appreciating the smile.

Once they pulled up to the house Ivo ran out of the car, kneeling on the lawn and retching. Hugo knelt beside him, rubbing his back gently and handing him his water bottle when he was done.

"Let's get you inside and in bed" Hugo said softly, helping him up.

Ivo held onto him tightly, letting him lead him into the house and to his room. As he changed into his pyjamas Hugo looked for a puke bucket for the other.

"Hey, is this good?" Hugo asked, knocking on the door. Ivo opened the door and looked at the bucket, nodding quietly and letting him in and laying down on his bed.

"C-could you stay until my mom gets home?" Ivo stuttered, watching as Hugo placed the bucket beside his bed.

"Uh, sure, I have an option and a spare so no one will miss me too much" the blonde smiled, nodding.

Ivo smiled weakly and watched as Hugo sat down at his desk, "I find that hard to believe."

"Really? Why's that?"

"I dunno, you seem like you'd have a lot of friends" Ivo mumbled, crawling under his covers.

"I do have some, but I'm not exactly popular" Hugo shrugged, standing up and pulling the covers over Ivo.

Ivo looked up at him and blushed, hiding under his covers. Hugo smiled and crouched beside the bed, stroking his head, "you should go to sleep for awhile, you look really tired"

Ivo nodded quietly, closing his eyes and soon fell asleep.

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