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Ivo held Hugo's hand tightly, feeling very nervous, he was meeting Hugo's family for the first time and staying for supper.

"What if they don't like me?" Ivo asked quietly.

"Don't worry hun" Hugo smiled, hiding his own nervousness, he hadn't come out to his family yet.

Hugo opened the door, immediately greeted by a small girl, "you're home! ...Who's this?" she asked, looking up at Ivo.

"Elettra this is Ivo, my boyfriend" Ivo waved awkwardly at the little girl.

"Your... boyfriend? Guys can have boyfriends?" Elettra asked, staring up at her brother.

"Yes, they can" he nodded, picking her up and kissing her head.

"Then... could I have a girlfriend?" The girl asked, staring at Ivo.

"Yep! If you wanted to you can" Hugo laughed, putting her down.

"Okay!" She smiled, "wanna come to my tea party?"

"Sure" Ivo smiled.

"I gotta say hi to mom and introduce Ivo first, we'll be up in a minute" Hugo smiled, ruffling the girl's hair.

Elettra ran up the stairs to prepare her tea party as Hugo led Ivo into the kitchen, "hi mom". 

"Hello sweetie, who's this?" Mrs. Langer asked, turning to her son and smiling.

"Uh... mom this is Ivo.. he's my boyfriend" Hugo said firmly, holding Ivo's hand.

"Hi" Ivo waved shyly, sensing tension in the air.

"Nice to meet you" she said tersely, giving Hugo a look that said 'we need to talk.'

Hugo pulled Ivo aside and sighed "I'm sorry... I still haven't come out to my parents uh.. If you could go upstairs and keep Elettra entertained I'll be up soon"

"It's okay.. I understand" Ivo smiled, a bit pale "You should've told me beforehand though".

"I know, I'm sorry, thank you for understanding" Hugo smiled, kissing his head.

Ivo smiled and kissed his cheek gently, "I try"  

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