Coming Out

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"Hugo why didn't you tell me you were..?" Mrs. Langer asked as Hugo walked in, hesitant to say the word on her mind.

"Because of that" Hugo said quietly, looking down, he had feared this day since he'd first figured out he was gay.

Stacy sighed, patting her son's cheek and smiling softly, "I'm sorry hun... I just...."

"Never thought you'd have a gay son?" He asked, smiling cynically.

"Don't put it like that hun... but I guess that's exactly what it is" she sighed, "but Hugo you're my son and I love you, nothing will ever change that".

Hugo smiled sarcastically, "thanks mom."

"I'm serious Hugo, as cheesy as it may sound" Mrs. Langer smiled, it was a rare occasion to hear the woman verbally express her affections.

"I know mom, thank you" Hugo smiled, hugging her tightly, then frowning slightly "what will dad say..?"

"I'll speak to him baby, don't you worry about him" She said firmly, "go play with your sister, you know she doesn't like to be kept waiting."

"Thanks again mom" the blonde smiled, kissing her head and heading upstairs to Elettra's room. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2017 ⏰

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