Good Karma

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Hugo looked up as he heard someone calling his name, turning around and seeing Ivo. The blue haired boy was hurrying through the crowded pre-class hallways, stumbling over his own feet along with other people's.

"Hey there! You look a lot better" Hugo smiled, catching Ivo as he just about fell over again.

"My mom made these for you, she is really thankful for what you did" he said, holding out a small, pink box to him, "here's your good karma."

Hugo smiled and took the box from him, blushing slightly, "uh, thanks, she didn't need to...".

"She likes to repay good deeds, and she always worries about me" Ivo mumbled, smiling at him "she makes really good fudge."

"Thank you so much, say thank you to your mom for me" Hugo smiled, trying one piece, his eyes lighting up, "goddamn! That's really good!"

"I'll tell her" Ivo smiled brightly, the smile fading slightly as a group of boys walked over to Hugo.

"Hey there dude! Where have you been?" Taylor asked, high fiving Hugo.

"Oh, I was just talking to..." Hugo trailed off as he turned to where Ivo had been standing, seeing him making his way through the crowd away from them "...Ivo"

"Who?" Taylor asked, peering around him.

"Uh, Ivo... I drove him home the other day when he was sick... I wanted him to meet you guys" Hugo mumbled, losing track of the boy as the bell rang.

"We can meet him at lunch, don't sweat it" Taylor smiled softly, patting his arm, "I'll see you in class"

Hugo nodded absentmindedly, peering over the crowd, but Ivo was nowhere to be seen.

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