Finding a dark warrior

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Amberpaw stalked her prey putting on paw carefully after the other she jumped on it and dug her claw in the vole one swift bite and it was dead. Ivypool was padding up to her with a black bird in her jaws hey Amberpaw  should give that to the elders I'm sure Purdy would eat it. ok Amberpaw  headed for the camp she placed the vole in the elders den hey? Purdy do what this vole  its fresh. Purdy was laying on his side his eyes half closed ya sure thank you Amberpaw. Amberpaw dipped her head to the elder and stalked of in the clearing her mentor Spiderleg was sharing tungs with Dovewing  Amberpaw walked out into the forest to the great oak as she passed it she could smell Sum thing odd she peered over the Thunderclan border but there was nothing there. She stalked of to the lake glancing over her shoulder to  see if sum thing was creeping up on her once she got to the lake a strong breeze came bringing the scent of Thunderclan.
She turned to see that there was nothing there but when she fallowed the scent it lead straight into shadowclan stopping herself from crossing the border hey hello i-is anyone there? she wanted to get Bramblestar but at the same time she whanted to stay and go into shadowclan to see where the Thunderclan cat went. She crouched down and stalked passed the border into shadowclan she went deeper and deeper into shadowclan territory till she came to a stop there was a hill in the side of the mountain she had to keep going she needed to get the thunderclan cat and bring him back to camp she put her paw one a rock and dug her claws into it so she could get up she made it to the top of the mountain and peered out she could see the sun setting  behind her was a pine tree there was two yellow eyes staring at her careering the scent of Thunderclan ha found you what are you doing in shadowclan territory! then a grey tail with black stripes hanged from a branch wait there's no Thunderclan cat with grey and black stripes! She backed up a little the yellow eyes gleamed at her in amusement. then a two black paws appeared in the branch where the yellow eyes are Amberpaw unleashed her claws in case of a fight the grey black striped  cat jumped straight at her the cats claws sunk in her sides as the cats back lags clawd her belly she slashed a claw at the cats forehead and kicked he cat of she got straight to her paws and could see the cat more clearly it was a grey black striped tom with yellow eyes his fur bristled in fury Amberpaw realized that this was a darkforest cat! But how is this cat still alive all the clans killed the darkforest cats! Panic flooded through her she ran through the trees not caring if a shadowclan patrol found her the dark warrior was behind her she jumped over a old lag and ran straight into the Thunderclan border the dark warrior jumped on top of her and clawed her back legs Amberpaw shreeked as her shoulder met teeth she fell to the ground locked in battle with the tom the dark tom lifted a paw ready to give the death blow but she twisted her body sideways throwing him of her she got up quick and launched herself at the dark warrior clawing his back he let out a yowl of pain and she flung him backwards knocking him of his paws and into the sand I'm not gion die from a apprentice! He mewed Amberpaw let out a hiss of anger the tom was weak with hunger and battle. she lifted a paw ready to kill the warrior and send him back to the darkforest but sum thing held her back she just stood there staring at the tom and she put her paw down she couldn't kill him but he's a darkforest cat! why can't I kill him! Letting out a hiss of anoyence. She looked at the tom can you walk? she asked him the warrior stared at her his eyes glowing with anger yes I can walk. Then get up and fallow me unless you whant to go back to the darkforest the dark warriors fur began bristle but said nothing. I need to hide him but where?.. Amberpaw led the dark tom to a hole that used to be were lionblaze and Heathertail  play when they where apprentices. Now go dawn there Amberpaw commanded. And who are you to cammand me around all day? The dark warrior argued. Well if you don't go down there you'll be killed by other Thunderclan cats. The warrior flicked his ear and went down into the tunnel Amberpaw had to get him food she crouched down and arched her back ready to spring at a robin she leaped up and swung her claws on the robin and took it down to the ground  biting its neck and it was dead bringing it back to the tunnel for the dark warrior  to eat. I can't believe I'm doing this feeding a darkforest cat! I must be mouse brained.

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