A new heart

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Darkstripe  put down his paw and just stared at her I can't do this i-it's not right he laid down beside her and closed his eyes he found himself in a forest not the darkforest but a starry forest Starclan! A grey she-cat appeared her yellow eyes glowing Y-Yellowfang! the old she-cat dipped her head hello Darkstripe  why have you come to my? He asked I came  to show you sumthing she waved her tail for him to fallow she led him down a small hill till she stopped at the edge of the starry forest was dark trees with red black sky's.  Is that the darkforest? yes why did you bring me here? to show you that you can change your destiny you don't have to hate Firestar just because Tigerstar dose and you don't have to kill cause all of that will end up leading you to the darkforest bu-" Yellowfang interrupted him look at when you fallowed him in the past look where it got you don't fallow in his footsteps Darkstripe. He started at his paws the memories of when he was in the darkforest came back when he was all alone. She's right but wait that would mean Tigerstar is a fool! Your right Yellowfang Tigerstar is a fool! I won't fallow in his footsteps and I won't take control of the forest! Yellowfang smiled as her image faded. As her eyes shined Amberpaw awoke sunlight shined throu the holes in the tunnel walls she rose to her paws padding out of the hole she glanced to see Darkstripe curled up in a ball sleeping I can't go back to camp empty handed I need to hunt she got out of the tunnel sniffing the air mouse! She crouched down stalking her prey she leaped on top of the mouse biting on its neck she scrapped dust on it so that it was hidden she spent sume minutes hunting for her clan she had cought a black bird and a squirrel she uncovered her mouse that she had cought and took it back to camp with the other pieces of prey to she appeared at the camp entrance and sat her freshkill on the pile she put her nose in the pile to grab a piece she turned around Bramblestar right behind her his eyes were expressionless er.. Hi Bramblestar Amberpaw held his gaze bramblestars claws were unleashed the tip of his tail twitched you've been out long Amberpaw. She flattened her ears she could feel his gaze burning Into hers Amberpaws fur began to bristle. I was just out hunting there's sum thing ?I whant to discuss with you she gulped dose he know about Darkstripe to! She fallowed Bramblestar into his den she laid down with her paws tuned under her chest what is did you whant to discuss? you've been out of camp a lot lately ever since you came back form the lake you've been acting weird. And I know that your up to sum thing. Bramblestar narrowed his eyes your not hiding something are you? N-no Bramblestar. She tried to keep her fur from bristling oh no he's on to me! you haven't been seeing anyone have you? He added no Amberpaw show me where your going every morning. Right now? She asked yes right now I need to warn Darkstripe! They headed out to the hunting grounds her heart beating hard she led Bramblestar to a hole in the ground a bramble bush beside it. Darkstripe woke up Amberpaw had left but he was relieved that he did the right thing stretching his back legs he sniffed the air he could smell her scent Fresh but there was another scent Bramblestar! he felt his heart tighten his claws and into the earth she-she betrayed me! But why she can't just betray me there should be sum reason to this! Bramblestar before you go in I whant to let you know that-" there's nothing in there what! she looked down Bramblestar was right it was empty. Darkstripe ran fast through the short grass the wind blowed hard making his fur cling to his pelt. he ran and ran and ran not stoping for anything all that was going on in his mind was anger did she sell me out! He cursed under his breath as he kept running. Amberpaw felt relief thank Starclan stared at her through narrowed eyes come on back to camp night fell across the sky the hole camp asleep her mind filled with worry Darkstripe I'm sorry for selling you out she stalked out of the apprentices den Brakenfur was on watch she stalked past him keeping her body low sow he wouldn't see her at once she began to run to the tunnel hoping that Darkstripe was back in the tunnel when she arrived the tunnel was still empty with darkness around it she sniffed the air to find his scant trail but it led straight into Windclan territory! she had to worn him about Bramblestar. She set one paw of the border and another. I can't believe I'm doing this

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