A blind Star

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Darkstripe's eyes wide with fear as Amberpaw laid on the ground mosionless her eyes closed Darkstripe's tail fluffed out I have to get her back to her camp! He grabbed her neck by the scruff and dragged her back to the adge  of the camp
Hoping that a patrol would fined her as he stalked of in the rain he glanced over his shoulder to see her lifeless body laying on the ground she'll be all right she's got to be! Amberpaw found herself in a starry forest a she-cat with Amber eyes padded up to her were am I who are you!? calm down yung one I'm Spottedleaf wait! Am I d-dead! Spottedleaf shook her head your just dreaming. relief flooded over her you know about Darkstripe don't you? she asked the starry she-cat yes I know about him. A-am am I doing the right thing of taking care of him? That is up to you but I can say that every warrior deserves a second chance she replied bu-" Spottedleafs image was fading and Amberpaw woke your awake Leafpool was crouched over Amberpaw her eyes shining Jayfeather go tell everyone that she's okay Jayfeather nodded his head and padded out of the medicine den what's going on? some cat left you at the edge of the camp entrance Bramblestar came through the the medicine den entrance with Jayfeather behind him. Where were you the patrols looked for you everywhere! His eyes were glowing with anger Amberpaw flattened her ears I-I was have sume time to myself. Amberpaw I'm going to have ta punish you ya know yes I know she lowered her tail and walked past Bramblestar and jayfeather.Darkstripe sunk his claws into the ground how could I save her Tigerstar said I have to  kill her but why! She helped me! He meowed out loud his eyes glowed in the dark his fur bristled and crouched down with his claws in the ground!help me decide! Someone anyone! The stress grew stronger his eyes were tiny slits. He was trying not to fall asleep so that Tigerstar  wouldn't see him he needed time to think so he slipped out of the tunnel and began to run to the old thunder path he crouched down as a patrol was crossing the thunder path the only cats he recognized on the patrol was Sandstorm and Cloudtail the other two cats he did not know he herd one of the warriors meow I smell Thunderclan scent but it's stale it must be were Amberpaw whant Cloudtail murmured Wait! I smell two Thunderclan cats but it's stale Cloudtail and Sandstorm glanced at one another with wide eyes Darkstripe sank his claws in the ground thous two cats were there when I was in Thunderclan. Cloudtail we should go back to the camp it's getting late. Sandstorm murmured Darkstripe stalked through the grass glancing now and then to make sure the patrol didn't see him he came to a stop at the edge of Thunderclan territory laying his body on a rock in a sun spot he fell asleep he was in the dark forest again and Tigerstar appeared mouse dung! Tigerstars fur was bristling with anger his eyes expressionless his lip curled in a snarl showing yellow sharp teeth you were supposed to kill her and get out of the tunnel! I-I know but she didn't tell her clan and I'm out of the tunnel. Oh I see Tigerstar growled see what? Darkstripe flattened his ears. Your in love with Amberpaw aren't you? In love! Is he mouse brained I'm not in love Darkstripe let out a hiss of fury I'm not in love with some Thunderclan apprentice! Im not in love! He yowled. If your not in love then prove it by killing her she is distracting you from what's really important and she knows to much about you! Darkstripe eyes turned into tiny slits. If you-" Tigerstar was interrupted Darkstripe closed his eyes I'll kill her. Tigerstar grind exalt
Darkstripe woke ill kill her Tigerstar and take control of the forest! Amberpaw spent all night cleaning the elders den and the elders were all grumpy to. She padded over to the freshkill pile and grabbed a squirrel she began to eat Bramblestar glared at her as he padded over to Squirrelflight murmuring something into her ear Amberpaw was to far away to hear what he was saying she finished her freshkill and headed to the forest that cat that left me at the camp entrance is Darkstripe and I need to thank him. But before she could get out Bramblestar walked in front of her going somewhere? Amberpaw held his gaze I'm just going out just going out huh? Bramblestars fur bristled he absolutely didn't trust her fine but don't be out to long relief flooded over her thank Starclan! She had made it to the tunnel but it was empty not agen! She turned around and Darkstripe was standing right in front of her why aren't you in the tunnel if a patrol finds you your dead! well there's no patrol and I'm here now. He replied hotly come on before any cat sees us they scrambled down into the hole Darkstripe sat down licking his back so did you leave me at the camp? Yes he meowed Amberpaw laid down her tail curled around her paws sleep was sinking into her body for a haert beat they just stared at ech other then her eyes slowly began to close she whanted to ask him more but she was sleepy Darkstripe rose to his paws this is my chance! He walked over to her and lifted a paw his claws out and his heart pounding say goodbye Amberpaw! He lifted his paw higher and was among for the neck just when he was going to give the blow sum thing tugged him back he tried to slash her neck but his paw wouldn't move why can't I just kill her! His memory's came flooding back to the day he tried to kill Sorrilltail in the old forest he had once been able to try ta kill a cat but why couldn't he do it now?

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