Friends or enimes

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Finishing his fresh kill he sat down and lick his chest annoyed about being held prisoner by an apprentice but he was to weak from the battle agents the clans. Amberpaw stared at him with curious glowing eyes shouldn't you be back in your camp right now the sun is down and they'll be worried about you. Amberpaw laid on the ground her paws tucked under her chest I'm not leaving till I know who you are. Fine I'll tell you if it will make you leave my name is Darkstripe there happy? SO ARE A DARKFOREST CAT AFTER ALL!! Amberpaw shouted wait how are you still alive I thought my clan killed you. Her green eyes wide with fear. I don't know how I'm alive still but the others are dead. At least I think so Darkstripe thought to himself laying down and curling up with his tail covering his paws he waited with half closed eyes for Amberpaw to leave once his eyes closed he herd he paw steps disappear as he went into a deep sleep. He was sarounded by dark pine trees the forest was dark with no light to be seen he was back in the darkforest a shadow appeared in the mist blue eyes and Amber eyes stared at him glowing in the dark Tigerstar and Hawkfrost! W-what are you doing here. Darkstripe demanded Tigerstar dipped his head greetings Darkstripe Hawkfrost said. I see you are still alive but how are you alive. Tigerstar I don't know how I'm alive but this means we still have a chance to take control of the forest! you mean you have a chance to take over the forest Tigerstar said. But first you need to get out of that tunnel and kill Amberpaw. Why should I kill Amberpaw she helped me.. Don't act soft just because she saved you doesn't mean she wouldn't tell her clan plus she knows to much if she tell Bramblestar about you then your chance to rule the forest will be over! Darkstripe looked at his paws his mind puzzled of what to do the shadows of Tigerstar and Hawkfrost began to fade. He woke light was flittering through a hole in the tunnel Tigerstars words echoed in his mind just because she saved you doesn't mean she wouldn't tell her clan.Darkstripe sank his claws in the ground how could I be so blind of course she's going to tell her clan! he needed to get out of the tunnel before it was to late he poked his head out making sure there was no patrol around and slid out of the tunnel he broke into a run not daring to look back as he dashed through the leaves.  Amberpaws belly growled  getting to her paws she padded out of the apprentices den and stretched her back legs good morning Amberpaw she turned to see Thornclaw and Millie and Spiderleg all ready for a morning patrol. oh good morning Thornclaw she dipped her head to the golden warrior Mille Spiderleg and I are going on a morning patrol do whant to come with us? Can we hunt to? We can hunt on the way back ok Spiderleg beckoned his tail for her to fallow. The renewed the scent markers  and finished the patrol now we can hunt Amberpaws tail shot straight up in the air finally!she sniffed the air she picked up the scent of mouse she she crouched down and stalked toward it she stretched a paw foreword her claws unleashed and held the mouse down. The smell of the mouse reminded her of Darkstripe! I forgot to get him freshkill! She had to wait till the rest of the patrol was done hunting.
Once she returned after the patrol she grabbed a Blue bird from the fresh kill pile and laid it down the thought of Darkstripe made her tail tip twitch. Jayfeather and Leafpool were talking to each other while BumbleStripe licked his paws and swiped it over his head. Gulping down her freshkill. She ran into the forest till she came to the tunnel Darkstripe? Are you there she whispered into the cave but there was no answer she lifted her chin to scent him but the scent was stale Mouse dung! he left! Anger and frustration tugged at her paws she needed to find him.the wind blew strongly as the sun was growing higher into the sky casting long shadows from the trees he was hungry and tired lost in Thunderclan territory. he laid down on the grass resting his head on his paws he was laying on the edge of the old thunder path sun shining on his grey black striped fur. His belly growled ugh fine I'll get freshkill he sat up stalking over to the bushes arching his back and he launched himself at a crow using his front claws to hold down the bird he lamed it to the ground the bird gave a screech of tarror and Darkstripe bit down into its neck taking his freshkill to the old thunder path he began to gulp it down he herd the sound of paw steps padding toward him he looked up to see Amberpaw padding over to him. There you are! Darkstripes ear twitched in anoyence so looks like you found me he murmured found you I've been looking for you all day. and yet here you are Darkstripe meowed Amberpaw flattened her ears and hissed now come back to the tunnel before a patrol sees you Darkstripe didn't listen instead he padded of over to the bushes glancing over his shoulder he commented if you whant me back in that tunnel then you'll have to get me he grinned as he ran deeper into the shadows. Hey! she chased after him running at the edge of Thunderclan territory Darkstripe? Are you here? Up here! She looked up to see the warriors yellow eyes glowing in the shade of the tree she climbed up to the trunk were he was sitting a storms coming she added he gazed across the horizon fine we'll go back to the tunnel. They walked through the trees the sun had set and the rain pored down soaking there fur. Lightning struck a tree a branch was falling straight down toward Amberpaw  her eyes wide and her body stiff in shock as the branch fell straight at her Darkstripe grabbed her by the scruff pulling her away from the tree With a loud thud and shreak the tree branch landed on her.

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