[30- Future]

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"Another junior year successfully completed," Edward said flatly when they came inside. Alice's eyes lingered on me; a small but noticeable smile formed on her pixie face. She cut in front of her brother, rushing past in a blur before wrapping her arms firmly around me.

"Exactly how I saw it! It was only a matter of time!" She said. Of course she saw that we would be together, she was Alice. I couldn't be mad though, my hand was tightly wound in Emmett's.

For the remainder of the afternoon, I was on my new computer, doing my best to ignore the dull ache in throat. Emmett was in the garage, tinkering with his Jeep. Alice was designing something with Esme in her office.

At about 5, Carlisle came home from the hospital.

"Esme? Emmett? Eleanor? Jasper? Alice? Edward?" Carlisle called and everyone convened instantly in the living room.

"Since Eleanor is legally dead, the risk of someone seeing her is too great. I'm afraid we have to move. Esme and I were thinking of going to Plymouth, New Hampshire. The town only has about 7,000 people but the White Mountain State Forest is only a couple minutes away. They have a large population of deer and bears." Emmett was thrilled, bears were his favorite. Esme and Alice looked ecstatic, a new house meant decorating. Everyone except for Emmett and Alice dispersed. I could hear the reopening of cardboard moving boxes as they began packing up their belongings. I never realised how frequently the Cullens needed to move to avoid suspicion. They could only stay comfortably for 5 years, maybe even 6 though that was a stretch, before someone may connect the dots and wonder why they never aged. The younger they posed when they arrived, the longer they could stay. That meant repeating high school over and over again. For most, one time was enough. I didn't know how I would cope with all this change.

"Eleanor, we wanted to give you this," Alice smiled, handing me a small white box.

"For what?"

"It will make more sense when you open it. It's from everyone," Alice sang.

I opened the box, inside was a passport, the eagle emblem printed in gold on the navy cover. I flipped to the photo page, and printed in neat type was a name, Eleanor Rose Whitlock, along with a photo of me that I assumed Alice had taken recently. My new identity.

"Since you and Jasper could pass as siblings, from now on, you'll pose as twins who were adopted by Carlisle and your aunt, Esme. Whitlock is Jasper's last name. It'll ease the confusion about your relationships to Emmett and I." It was smart not to use my last name, since there were still humans alive who knew Eleanor Parks. It was a reasonably convincing facade. Jasper and I looked about the same age, had a similar build and our hair color was close enough, though mine was less of a honey blonde.

"I have some other important documents; driver's license, social security number, but I though I would show you this one first," she said.

"Thank you," I said with a smile. I wasn't certain of the legitimacy of the documents, surely they couldn't have been obtained legally. Though the Cullens have been around for a while so they would be familiar with procuring such documentation.

According to Emmett, they never took any of the furniture to the new house; rather simply covering everything in plastic and when they came back in a few decades, they would uncover it and used it as normal. Potentially update out of date objects, but most things had a habit of coming back into style. Of course they took personal mementos; paintings, photographs, jewellery, clothing.

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