Life with Carter part 11

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I woke up to a beautiful Saturday, smiling as I thought about my date. He was so sweet and caring, the perfect gentleman. A small part of me was slightly suspicious about how perfect he was, but I know I was being rediculous.

I heard a basketball being bounced outside, and boisterous laughter. I slid my balcony door open, wearing my booty shorts and a t-shirt, which I slept in. My hair was in a messy bun, piled on top of my head carelessly.

When I walked outside, I saw Zack, Hayden, Vince, Trey, and Carter all playing basketball. "Morning." I greeted, smiling.

They all said good morning back.

"So how was it?" Vince asked, obviously referring to my date. They all stopped playing, awaiting my answer. I smirked.

"Well, you three should know. You did spy on me when I got home." I said, speaking to Vince, Trey, and Carter.

Vince and Trey laughed lightly, but Carter's face was emotionless, awaiting a proper answer.

"But it was amazing, if you must know.". I responded.

"So are you and Parker, like, official?" Zack asked.

"Umm.. Yeah." I said awkwardly. There were a few seconds of silence, then Vince spoke.

"Well, Congrats!"

"we're happy your happy." Trey added. Carter smiled unconvincingly. He seemed so weird lately, and not his usual obnoxious self.

"So are you coming to my party tonight?" Carter spoke finally, changing the subject. "It's gonna be even better than the last."

"Another party already?" I asked.

"I party every night, baby."

I rolled my eyes, but was strangely happy that he seemed to be returning back to his old self.

"Maybe." I responded.

I stepped back into my room to change as my phone began to buzz.

I quickly looked at the caller I.D. and smiled.


"Hey." Parker responded, his deep voice sounding tired.

"Did you just wake up?" I asked.

"Yep. I couldn't wait to talk to you again." he sai sweetly.

I smiled. "well I'm glad you called."

"So I was wondering if you wanted to go to Carter's party with me tonight? His parties are crazy as hell, and I wouldn't mind going with my sexy girlfriend."

I laughed. "She would love to go with you." I answered.

"Great. I'll stop by your house at 9, then we can walk in together."

"Okay, see you then." I smiled.

"Alright. Bye babe." He said, ending our short conversation, leaving butterflies in my stomach.

I stepped out on the balcony. They were still playing basketball.

"Good news!" I exclaimed, "Me and Parker are coming to your party." I told Carter. He smiled slightly, although it looked off. "Great."

I shot back inside and took a shower, excited to start my day and see Parker again.


As soon as she closed the door, I let my smile fall into a grimace.

"Tough break dude." Trey said, passing me the basketball. "What's the plan?" Vince asked after I didn't respond.

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