My Drum Major Essay (First Draft)

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I'm trying out for Drum Major and I have a strong feeling I won't make it but hey, I'm still going to give it my all. I wanted to make the essay longer (and I actually might, seeing I still have a little less than a month to turn it in) but here is my (First?) "Draft" of it. Any feedback will help greatly! 

"A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way." -John C Maxwell. Drum Majors are the leaders of the band. They watch the band grow and help them improve themselves and reach their goals. I would like to be Drum Major to see the band through a different perspective and help change the band to grow. Leaders shouldn't be perfect, that is the worse possible thing for them to be. They need to be able to make mistakes, learn from them and fix them. That shows others that leaders make mistakes too, and it encourages them to learn from their mistakes and improve themselves. As a Drum Major, I will make sure to accept the consequences of the actions I take without complaint and will always choose the right choices for the band. As a leader, I will have the appropriate attitude needed for any scenario encountered. I will be serious when needed but also enjoy what I'm doing and have fun knowing fully that what I do will reflect off of the band and will be what I receive from the band. As Mahatma Gandhi once said: "Be the change you want to see in the world." However, in this scenario, it's mainly aimed towards the band. As Drum Major, I will always have the band's best in mind and put them first when decisions have to be made. I will only act with respect, honesty, and kindness towards everyone. I understand the responsibilities of this position and I will take it very seriously despite my Child-like behavior. I also accept the liability of performing "menial slave labor" for the band directors. Thank you for your time and for considering me for Drum Major. 

I soooo need to make it longer XD Oh well, like I said I still have a little less than a month. Thank you all for taking the time to read this and for helping me improve it. 

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