My Drum Major Interview

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So, my interview went really well!

Here are some questions they asked:

How was your first year in the UHS band?

What makes you qualified for this position?

Who would make a better candidate?

What do you plan to do in January, or any time after Marching band season?

What do you feel we can improve on?

These next ones are more personal ones but oh well:

Now, if you are Drum Major what's going to happen to you being a Unicorn?

Who was the person you wrote about in your essay?

 That's all I really remember (it was a ten-minute audition and some of my explanation/his stories took a while. Both my band directors both seemed to impress with my reasoning and so I think I have a really good chance. 

Anyways, next week (Monday the 15th of May) is the Drum Major auditions (Command calling, conducting, etc) So I will keep you updated on that. If anything happens before hand I will inform you, otherwise, I'll see you all in the next chapter!

My Drum Major Tryouts (Experience)Where stories live. Discover now