My Drum Major Essay 2 (Draft Two)

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"A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way." -John C Maxwell. Drum Majors should naturally be responsible for every action they take and accept each consequence without complaint. They need have the right mindset towards any event or activity they participate in, knowing fully that what they display is what they will receive off of the band in return. They need to know what's best for the band. Every decision a Drum Major makes should be towards the benefit of the band, to help the band improve themselves and reach their goals. I would like to be selected as Drum Major to see the band through a different perspective and change the band for the better, to help them grow. Leaders should not be perfect, that is the worst possible thing they should be. Leaders need to be able to not only make mistakes but to fix and learn from them, to show that making mistakes is okay and normal but that they should learn from them and improve themselves. As Drum Major, I will take responsibility for the actions I take knowing fully the choice I made and the consequences that come with the choice I made. I will make sure that whatever choices I make is only beneficial towards helping the band grow. I will have the appropriate attitude needed for any scenario encountered. I will be serious when needed but also enjoy what I'm doing and have fun knowing fully that what I do will reflect off of the band and will be what I receive from the band. I will only act with respect, honesty, and kindness towards everyone. I am aware that I act childlike at times, however, I understand the seriousness of this position and will not act any less than I am supposed to. I will only act with respect, honesty, and kindness towards everyone. Knowledgeable to the fact that I don't show as if I take things seriously or take the opportunities given to show as if I do, I will live up to the standards of the band directors and definitely show it if I am to be chosen as Drum Major. I will keep consistency and make sure we give 100% into every rehearsal from as early as Mini-camp until FMBC, knowing we have the potential to make it that far as long as motivation and dedication are played onto the field. The band changed my life. It helped me be more confident, trusting and make the right decisions. I want to teach the generations to come that and give them the same feeling I received. Being scared of the band and not wanting to walk into the band room, to have someone walk up to you, introduce themselves and just make you feel like you are long lost, family. I want to give others that feeling, like someone, once gave me. I want the band to go out every Friday -or any rehearsal- feeling satisfied with what they accomplished. I understand each responsibility the Drum Major has and will live up to those responsibilities and standards. I also accept the liability of performing "menial slave labor" for the band directors. Thank you for your time and for considering me for to be the next Drum Major. "menial slave labor" for the band directors. Thank you for your time and for considering me to be the next Drum Major. 

Lolol I think it's not going to get much bigger than this. Maybe a bit more details (or less) or something but for now this should be it. Thank you all for reading it and giving me feedback!

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