Drum Major Auditions

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Since I have a busy week I decided to do my leadership interview On Wednesday, May 10th at 3:20 pm. Basically, it's going to be my two band directors and the current head drum major throwing questions at me and what if scenarios. And most likely more staff/faculty members also there to give their opinions on me being Drum Major. I will try to write down some of them in the next chapter so that you can prepare yourselves for yours. 

Also, we need to do many other things, it was posted on the website so I decided to screenshot it and post it here so you can get an idea.

Also, we need to do many other things, it was posted on the website so I decided to screenshot it and post it here so you can get an idea

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Our prepared Excercise is from our 2012 show called "Ballet Méncanique" and it's pretty simple (I already memorized it ^-^) 

In between that I also have to memorize tempos. I have a list of songs that are different tempos that I can remember to help me (and 60=1 beat per second/120=2 beats per second) I'm not that worried that much about this. But I will find out if I make it in twelve days!

P.S I have a band concert tomorrow, and my interview is on Wednesday so instead of just posting nonsense I will post how it went and some of the questions he asked me after the interview on Wednesday. So wish me luck!

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