Max Verstappen - Chinese GP

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To say Max's place on the grid today is not ideal would be an understatement. P16. It could've been worse, but due to some grid penalties for other drivers Max moved up a few places. Nevertheless, this will be a difficult race.

"All good Max?" I ask over the radio. As Max's engineer, I'm thinking about the race and the car. As his girlfriend, however, I'm thinking about my boyfriend.

"All good!"

"Just focus on getting away the best you can, we'll see after that."

"Copy," Max says. After that, neither of us say a word, which is the way we agreed to do it. The first few corners, I'm not saying anything unless strictly necessary and same thing goes for Max. That way, Max can focus on what's happening on the field and I can focus on what's happening on the monitors and with the other drivers.

"And it's lights out!" Daniel's engineer, Simon, says next to me.

"And away we go," I finish off. It's something we do every race, I don't even know why. I focus on Max's car and see him passing cars left, right and center the first few corners. I stare at the screen in amazement. I knew Max was good, but he keeps surprising me every single time he does something like this.

"Great first lap Max!" I say over the radio after the first lap.

"Thanks," Max replies and I can tell by his tone that he's very happy with the first few corners. But this is only the first lap, 55 more to go.

54 laps later I'm on the edge of my seat and I have been for a while. Daniel is right behind Max and it seems like only a matter of time before Daniel overtakes him. But there's only 1 more lap, so it's now or never, for both drivers.

"Can you please keep telling Charlie this is pretty ridiculous," Max says over the radio.

"Copy," I reply before sighing. Daniel is right behind Max, but Max has Romain Grosjean in front of him, which is making it difficult for him. He's been saying something about it for a while now, but there's nothing much I can do except for telling Charlie over and over, which is what I've been doing.

Finally Daniel and Max come onto the final main straight. Daniel uses his DRS and gets close to Max. Too close for my liking. I love Daniel, don't get me wrong. But Max is my driver and my boyfriend, I want him to be on the podium. Daniel attempts to overtake Max, but it doesn't work out the way he planned and Max stays in front.

"Yes!" I exclaim happily as Max crosses the finish line in 3rd place. Max pumps his fist out of his bolide, which makes me smile.

"Great job Max! That's P3 for you!" I tell Max over the radio, unable to contain my excitement. Starting the race in P16 and then finishing in P3, absolutely amazing.

"Thank you Y/N, couldn't have done it without you," Max replies, making me smile widely. I watch as Max drivers his final lap around the track before parking his bolide behind the P3 sign. I quickly make my way over to the area in front of the podium as I don't want to miss the podium ceremony. My driver, my man is up there.

"You're an amazing driver," I say as I hug Max in a non-girlfriendy way. We'll save that for later.

"Thanks, you're an amazing engineer," Max replies, making me chuckle.

"Yeah, yeah we're all amazing," I hear an Australian say behind me, making me turn around.

"Hey Dan," I greet my favorite Australian.

"Hey Y/N."

"Daniel! Those last few laps were amazing man! You sure know how to make me sweat a little," Max jokes as he gives Daniel a bro-hug.

"Couldn't let you get on that podium too easily," Daniel replies, making me smile. I love the relationship between the two drivers, both on and off track.

"I noticed."

"How are you feeling?" I ask Daniel, who shrugs.

"It was a better race than the previous one, next week is gonna be even better."

"Let's hope so, you deserve a podium too."

"As long as I'm also there, preferably in front of you, I'm good," Max says to Daniel.

"We'll see about that," he replies, causing all of us too laugh.

"I'll see you later."

"Later mate!" Daniel says before going to his side of the garage to talk to his team.

"So," Max says as we start heading towards Max's little room. Luckily, he's already done all his interviews, which means no obligations anymore.

"So, what's the plan?"

"Spending the night with you."

"I like the sound of that."

"Me too."

"But first, let me congratulate you the proper way," I say was we walk into Max's room. Max smiles and closes the door behind him before I press my lips against his. Max is quick to put his arms around me and pull me closer, but what else do you expect from an F1 driver. Speed is his specialty.

Race 2 is done! And it was an amazing race, exciting to the very last corner! Amazing that Max managed to drive from P16 to P3! I never expected him to finish higher than P7, let alone on the podium! A lot to be happy about for Red Bull. Now let's see what Bahrain brings next week!

Love you all

Instagram: readracewrite

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