Daniel Ricciardo - Russian GP

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"I can see my right-rear brake's on fire. Keep me posted," I hear Daniel say over the team radio. Oh no, please let this be a joke.

"OK Daniel box this lap. We are going to stop in the pit box and have a look. But Pedals will call whether we're running or not," Daniel is told a little while later. They still have hope, but I already know what's gonna happen. This is the end of his race.

"They've gone," Daniel replies and I sigh, taking off the head phones as I walk to Daniel's driver's home. He'll come there later as he needs to change out of his race suit. I just need to be away from everything for a little while. This season has been his unluckiest one so far and I hate it.

I sit down and wait for Daniel to come here, which I know won't take too long. It really sucks to see my best friend struggle so much this season, he deserves so much more. He is an amazing racer, but he just can't show it to the world.

"Y/N?" I hear my favorite Aussie say, making me look up.

"Hey," I say as Daniel puts down his helmet.

"I already thought you'd be here."

"Yeah, I just needed to get away."

"Why's that?"

"I just hate to see this happen to you, again."

"I know, but there's not much we can do."

"How are you so calm about it?" I ask as Daniel starts changing out of his race suit, which is something I'm used to by now. At first I always walked out of the room, but after Daniel telling me over and over again that that's not necessary, I just stay seated now.

"There's nothing I could've done or the team could've done to prevent this from happening. It is what it is. I have to focus on the next race."

"You still seem sad."

"Yeah, but that doesn't have anything to do with this."

"What is it Dan?" I ask a little worried. It doesn't happen too often that Daniel feels sad about anything.

"It's just...., I promise I made to myself."

"A promise?"

"Yeah, that I'd do something if I finished the race with a good result. But I didn't even finish the race, so I can't do what I wanted."

"But you had a good qualifying. In fact, the best Red Bull has ever done here," I point out, making Daniel look at me confused.

"Yeah, so?"

"Well, that counts for something too. You did well in qualifying, so I feel like you can still do what you wanted to do."

"You think?" Daniel asks as he finishes changing into his normal Red Bull clothes.

"Yeah, why not?"

"You know what, you're right."

"See! Now lets get back before your team gets worried," I say as I get up and walk to the door, but Daniel pulls me back.

"Just, wait a minute."

"What is it Dan?"

"Well, you told me to do what I wanted to do, so that's what I'm doing."

"What does that have to do with me?"

"Everything," Daniel says, confusing me.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you see. The think I told myself I'd do if finished the race with a good result was asking you something."

"Really? What do you want to ask me."

"Do you want to go to dinner with me?" Daniel asks, catching me off guard.

"To dinner?"

"Yes, dinner, with me."

"As in a-," I start, but I can't finish that sentence.

"A date, yes. Y/N, would you go on a date with me?" Daniel asks and I look at my best friend in shock. Did he just ask me out?

"A date?"

"Yes. Please say something."

"Yes," I say, smiling at Daniel.


"Yes, I'll go on a date with you," I say before I can stop myself. I've been wanting this, dreaming about this for so long and I can't believe it has finally happened.

"Great! Amazing!" Daniel says, smiling widely as he hugs me tightly.

"But we do have to go back to the team now."

"Right," Daniel says, making me chuckle. Daniel takes my hand in his and calmly walks back to the garage with me, ignoring everyone who is looking down at our hands.

Unfortunately, the 2nd DNF fo Daniel this season :( Another disappointing result, let's hope things will turn around in Spain. Max finished 5th and  that was the best he could do. I love he was just following the fight in front of him on the screens xD

I can't wait for Spain, it holds special memories for me as a Dutchie. Let's hope both Max and Daniel will be able to show how good they really are! Barcelona here they come!

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