Max Verstappen - Bahrain GP

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Race weekends are always exciting. The paddock is buzzing and everyone is exciting. The race itself is the highlight of the weekend and for me, the best day of the week. Even though I'm not involved with any team, the weekend is very busy for me. I'm a blogger, more specifically, a racing blogger. I'm not connected to any major sites or magazines, but people can hire me to write an article or post for them. This weekend, the Bahrain GP, should be an exciting one and several companies are interested in content, which means I'm very busy.

Currently the race is in full swing and instead of watching the race from a nice spot, I'm walking through the paddock. Not really the place I want to be right now, but the battery of my laptop decided to die and stupidly, I forgot to bring my notebook, which means I'm unable to take any notes. So I'm on my way to my press room to grab my notebook. Luckily, it's not that far and I won't miss much of the race.

Focused on my phone, trying not to miss too much of what's going on, I feel something hit my shoulder. Or rather someone.

"Watch where you're going!" I say, making the person who bumped into me look back to me.

"Same goes for you," he replies. I then realize the person that bumped into me is the one and only Max Verstappen. Shouldn't he be in a car right now?

"The paddock is basically empty, you saw me coming, why didn't you just take a step to the side?"

"Didn't feel like it."

"Geez, what's up with you?"

"Bad race, bad day."

"What happened?" I ask curiously. Something clearly went wrong, otherwise he would be in his car and not here. But because of my stupid battery, I missed what happened. So much for an up to date feed on my phone.

"Break failure," Max simply says and I instantly feel bad for him because of the tone of his voice. He is clearly annoyed and disappointed, but I can't imagine how much. Around the paddock it's a well-known fact that Max is very passionate about racing.

"Oh that sucks!"

"Big time, but nothing I can do about it."

"But that must be the worst part."

"Yeah, you're right," Max sighs and he already seems calmer than when he first bumped into me.

"Well, I've got to get going, good luck in Sochi!" I say and I want to walk away, but Max grabs my arm, making me turn around. I look at him confused.

"What's your name?" Max asks, making me smile.


"Beautiful name."

"Thank you. But I really need to get going now, need to watch to race if I want to write about it."

"Are you free later?" Max asks to my surprise.

"Yeah, why?"

"Come find me in my motor home."

"I'm not allowed to go there."

"I'll make sure you can get there," Max says, giving me a wink before walking off. I look at him as he walks away, a little surprised by what just happened. Did Max Verstappen just ask me out? I mean, not really, but kind of? As I continue my way to my press room, I try to figure out what just happened. How did I go from getting my notebook to getting invited to Max Verstappen's motor home?

After the race and all the press-related events, I start making my way towards Max's motor home, still unsure about the whole situation. What if he just said it and doesn't actually want me to come? I'll make a huge fool out of myself and the internet will no doubt no about it sooner than I'd like. Downside of being a famous blogger. But what if he does want me to come? That may be even worse as I have no idea what to expect.

"Name?" someone asks, making me snap out of my thoughts. I've reached the entrance for the motor homes and this is the moment of truth. If Max actually wants me to come, he should've told this man my name and this man should let me through.

"Y/N," I say and the man checks his list.

"Go on. Max's home is to the right," the man tells me, making a smile appear on my face.

"Thank you," I say before following the directions the man gave me. After going right, I see the Red Bull motor homes appear. Now the question is, which one is Max's. As I get closer, I see the names of the drivers by each motor home, making it easy for me to find Max's one. I go up the stairs and knock on the door, suddenly feeling nervous. What does Max want from me?

"Y/N! You're here!" Max says. I didn't even realize he had opened the door.

"Of course! You sound surprised."

"I am, I wasn't sure if you'd come."

"And I wasn't sure if you actually wanted me to."

"Of course, come in," Max says and he steps aside to let me in. I go inside and look around. The room isn't big, but it has all the essentials.

"This is nice," I say as Max sits down on the couch.

"It's small, I know."

"It's big enough."

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

"Why did you invite me here?" I ask, getting straight to the point. That question has been on my mind ever since Max invited me and I want to know the answer before anything else happens. Whatever that may be.

"I guess it's kind of strange, isn't it?'

"A little, yeah."

"It might sound weird, but somehow, you calmed me down in just a few moments of talking to you."

"What do you mean?"

"Well I was obviously pissed, annoyed and disappointed that my breaks failed and that had to retire. Normally, it takes me a good while to calm down enough to go to the press. But when I talked to you, I felt more calm instantly and that surprised me. I guess I was just wanted to know more about you."

"That makes sense."

"It does? Good, because in my head it sounded kinda creepy," Max says, sounding relieved, which makes me chuckle.

"Don't worry, you're not creepy. And I'm glad I could help you."

"Yeah, me too. Are you always at races?"

"Usually, yeah."


"Why?" I ask confused. I mean, I'm happy he is enthusiastic, but I don't really see why.

"Well, whenever I'm pissed or annoyed again, I can just talk to you and everything will be better."

"I do hope you won't need me much."

"As long as I still get to hang out with you."


Race 3 is completed, the Bahrain GP! Not the race all of us would've hoped for with Max having to retire. Seeing him against the wall in the gravel broke my heart a little :( And Max's reaction when he got out of the car... Let's hope for a better race in Russia. Daniel's race was okay, not great but the result was kind of as expected. Let's hope both drivers can do better at the next race, they really deserve it!

This one shot wouln't have existed if the amazing pasfeatvic didn't help me with the idea. Definitly check out her stories, they are amazing!

Anyway, let me know what you thought of this one shot in the comments and don't forget to vote for this one :)

Love you all


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