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OK so you know the things that say.  Under editing ? So the thing is, if its being edited, will less people read it? Are there certain people who can't stand it when a sentence is changed to be more grammerly correct? (Sorry if your onebof those people...) If its being edited than that means either the author found some one willing to spend the time to help them, which I a very nice thing to do, or they are taking the time to better them selves and improve what there done so that we can understand what their trying to say! Goodness Gracie's people! Graaaaagh!!*a few deep breaths* OK I'm calm now. But do you see what I'm talking about. Like I personally LOVE grammes Nazis for the reason that they help me get better, which makes my stories better, and so forth. Ya? OK (I should probably go to bed now, its like midnight and there's freaking school tomorrow)

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