Angry rant.1

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Declaring My People-

   "We seem to be in a state of turmoil all the time." This phrase caught my attention, as it felt like an undeniable truth, and yet, it held a lie that can not be ignored. My people are told to look to the future for safety, in these necessary and impacting years, go for what will create a stable world for us to live within, and from there, we may climb within the stability, using those near us as the steps. My people know this is not right. My people are the ones who look to the stars for the freedom that they possess. They turn to the ocean if only to beg to see whats on the other side, to get a glimpse of the purest form of the world. My people push to see the truth; Who may I help? For my people know, in falling you are lifted, and in lifting you lift others. My people are in a state of turmoil all the time because of the truths we know to be ours, and the truths we have been poisoned with.

"We fight our way in, and try to buy our way out." This contradictory phrase is something I have seen in our homes, in our schools, and on our playgrounds. We can feel the toxins entering our brains from those who came before, and we wonder why someone who claims to want the best for us, would feed us these untruths. We, in our honest naivety, wish to understand those people. We push our way into their world, we run screaming into the void that is this world. We try to make ourselves see this world through drugs, sex, the famous adult facade. Somewhere along the way, we lose ourselves and the reason why we are doing this along with it. The people who we were only trying to understand and sympathize with scorn and mock us for our inexperience. Until we join them in their world. When we see it as they do, we moan and mumble and grieve for our lost time. We mourn the view and beg to be taken back into the folds of our youth. Forlornly we must realize that we can not go back. Our time has been wasted, and our honest naivety is turned into a bitter anger. My people will turn our anger and imprisonments onto the people who we trusted, and yet, were poisoned by.

¨One of the generalities most often noted about Americans is that we are a restless, a dissatisfied, a searching people.¨ Are we restless and dissatisfied? Are we people who are constantly searching? I can not speak for the generations behind. I can not vouch or defend; But for My People, I will warn. We have been twisted and tormented. We are dissatisfied with our lives because we have been taught to look for the next thing. We are restless, because after years of being told that taking a break is lazy and idiotic, we start to believe it. We are searching, for the truth that we have only the barest of whispers left in our hearts. We are the people who will cause an upheaval. You have received your warning, now no blame can fall to my poor, poisoned people.

Yo, sorry that its been so long.... thats my bad. I've been super into writing angry rants and email, so be expecting those.~MYT <3 

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