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Dragons and heros- "why don't I ever listen to my dragon?" I yelled as I ran away, with a flaming, poisonous dragon chasing after me, while my dragon sat on the cliff, watching me die. Oh great, the kids at the Academy will never let me live this down.

Life on the numbers- Some where on your body everone was born with a tattoo,  a number to be exact. He number of lifss youve had. The more lifes you've had, he more magic you have. ____________ has he numner, of infinity....

Fire, ice, and an angel of death- being given to the strongest gods of all time has its perks, but this is not one of them, Dolly thought as she and Aaron where pined down single handedly by a mysterious stranger.  Let me tell you, its noy very often that someone can pin down two of the most powerful mages around, so who are they?

So, what do you think about the photo? I personally liked it, but you do you boo.
(Wtf did I just say?)

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