Chapter 24

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{January 11, 2017}
Once we landed in Hawaii and were off the plane, dylan grabbed my hand and led me to baggage claim. I pulled my phone out and turned it back on.

"Don't forget to text your dad." Dylan said.

"I'm not. I have to turn my phone on." I said, wrapping my arms around his torso. I'm so tired.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Uh, not sure." He whispered, kissing my head. My phone turned on and I checked it.

"It's one in the morning." I mumbled. Dylan smiled down at me.

"Just a bit longer then we go sleep." He said. I nodded. For it being one in the morning, there's actually a lot of people around the airport. Dylan pulled away and grabbed our bags they came around. I went to my messages to text my dad.

Me: we have landed in Hawaii! Thank you again for letting me go with dylan, dad! Love you!!

"I got an uber. Should be here in about ten minutes." He said as I shoved my phone in my pocket. We walked over to a bench and sat down. I pulled my feet up and leaned against dylan, closing my eyes. My phone started ringing, making me jump. I quickly pulled it out of my pocket and opened the text.

Mon Pere👨🏻: you're welcome, Maddy. Please be careful and tell dylan that he better take care of you or I'll kill him

Mon Pere👨🏻: I'm being dead serious!

Me: yeah, yeah! Okay dad!

Dylan laughed as he read it over my shoulder.

Mon Pere👨🏻: ALSO, you better not have sex, but if you do, use protection!

Oh my god! He is literally the most embarrassing person I know.


Me: I can assure you that I'm not going to have sex with dylan anytime soon

Me: now, I'm going to go because I'm embarrassed

Mon Pere👨🏻: have fun and be careful!

I locked my phone and shoved it back in my pocket. Dylan kissed my head then checked his phone.

"Uber should be here in a minute. Come on." He stood up and held his hand out. I grabbed it and he pulled me up. We walked outside and stoped. Dylan checked his phone again and he led me to the Uber. They talked a minute then we climbed in. Dylan showed him the hotel address and we were on our way.

Chapter 24😊😊 is anyone enjoying this? ~Robyn🖤

Love Conquers All ~Dylan Dauzat~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant