Part 22

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"Your not wearing that for school", my dad growled as he saw my tartan skirt.

I ran my fingers on the hem of my skirt , it wasn't that short. I looked down and smiled it really was that short.

"It's deemed school appropriate" I said outstretching my hands.

"Maybe your teachers need to check their eyesight " my dad replied. He was shaking his head, he was way in impressed.

"Pick your battles. Her skirt is the last thing at that school you need to worry about " Amy said.

I glared at her, she caught my shocked reaction. I watched as her eyes grew wide in recognition.  Amy had just realised her thought hadn't just been in her head she had said it aloud.

"What should I be worried about exactly" my dad asked.

"Erm I don't know" Amy mumbled.

"Her grades. they are the most important thing aren't they"  Amy continued.

My dads brow wrinkled he knew something was going on.

I grabbed my jacket and slipped out of the house before my dad could question my outfit again. I walked the 4 minutes to the bus stop it was still bitterly cold , I couldn't wait for summer.  In reality I wasn't really dressed for the cold weather but dressing up made me feel good, and if I needed anything it was to feel good about myself.

I had only just got on the bus when I saw a message in my phone from Amy. I was dreading what the message would say, I was so on edge. I was sure Amy would tell my dad about Ryan soon.

A: I'm sorry about today it just slipped out.

L:it's ok I'm sorry your having to keep my secret

A: it's ok ,good luck in drama today. Let me know if he tries anything.

L: thank you xxx

I think Ryan was smart enough to not come near me again, especially after Amy catching us on Monday. I needed for him to just be my teacher.

Drama hadn't gone as well as I had hoped. Ryan had watched me the entire lesson, I could feel his eyes scorching into my skin. He had looked for any excuse to speak to me , when he had heard me swearing he took the opportunity to make me stay behind after class for twenty minutes as punishment.  As soon as the other students had gone he had circled me like a vulture, I didn't sag under his death stare. He had tried kissing me , I had somehow got the strength to push him away.

"Leave me alone" I yelled pushing at his chest

"You know I can't" he sounded almost human

"Notice how my voice didn't go up at the end. It wasn't a question." I snapped.

"You need to talk to me I'm lost without you"

I smiled and shook my head, he really was sarcastic.

"The only thing that's lost is your pride, I've told you to leave me alone so just do it" I yelled.

"You want me just as much as I want you" he whispered as he rounded his desk.

"No I wanted you as in past tense" I replied, my voice was cracking. I wasn't sure how long I would be able to deny him.

"You know I'm right, I can see you clenching your legs. I know your practically dripping under that tiny skirt" he whispered in my ear as he walked behind me.

His hot breath hit my neck sending shivers down my side. I was remembering when his tongue would glide across my skin. I needed to get out of there before I did something I would regret, I hated to admit it but he had an affect on me. Even his deep voice gave me pleasure.

"What about London" I asked, I was weak I knew I was ready to give in.

"I'll admit I was wrong, it broke me seeing you go"

His smooth words had been the undoing of me, when he took me in his arms I couldn't push him away.

Like a scene from a romance movie he turned and swept his desk of its contents. The papers and stationary scattered across the floor, I watched as the panda purse fell.

"You kept it" I said breathlessly as he attacked the curve of my neck.

"Kept what " he asked between kisses.

"The panda purse" I purred. I could hardly concentrate, his skilled lips were sucking and nuzzling at me.

"I needed an excuse to come to your house , it was the first thing I saw at the petrol station" he replied.

He was opening my blouse and pulling at my bra until my breast spilled over. He greedily suckled at me, I let out a loud gasp when he picked me up and deposited me on his old desk.

His lips were on mine, our tongues were like soldiers in battle they fought perfectly. I placed my hand on his flat stomach and worked it up his chest. I loved the way his hard body felt under my hands.
His hands were between my legs pumping in me with such ferocity I thought I would come apart at the seams. He made little work of removing my underwear, he dropped the to the floor. He shuffled his own trousers and boxers to his feel, he roughly spead my legs so I was open for him. I was breathing heavily I was lost in the moment I hadn't even realised he had put a condom on until I saw the wrapper by his feet. I felt the large head of his cock poke clumsily at my opening, I felt suddenly dry down there. I put it down to nerves, Ryan rubbed his fingers over my clit to make lubrication so I would be able to accept all of him. I found myself clenching I was just so nervous I was shaking like a leaf. I could feel him against my lips , soon I was no longer going to be a virgin.

Hi thanks for reading, I hope your enjoying it so far. What do you think about mr jones and lanas after school activities. What do you want to see happen next.

blackpanda356  hi Hun I'm not sure if your still reading this story I just thought I would let you know that it is now completely finished and published xx

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